

Coming at Last

Coming at Last?

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Is Fall coming at last? At midday today, it was only 72 degrees! Compared to what we’ve been getting, that’s cool. It’s rather windy as well.

Tonight, down to the low 50s; and Tuesday night, it’s supposed to drop to the mid-40s! Time now to be eyeing cycling jackets, and other cold-weather clothing as well.

Riding through the Winter drives me crazy, though. We can get crazy fluctuations in temperature; and it’s annoying to have all kinds of stuff floating around: gloves in several weights; thermal socks; leg warmers; and so on. In a way, dressing to ride in Summer is far easier. I know it will be hot; and I don’t have to worry that I’ll embark on a ride with too few layers.

If Fall is coming at last, we ought to get some relief from the heat. We had a prolonged spell of extreme hot weather, when the heat index got over 100 degrees every day. I was glad to see that end; but it’s still very dry. We’re turning into a desert at the rate we’ve been going; and I hope we get the rain that’s predicted for tonight and tomorrow morning. Just not while I’m out cycling!