

Comin’ up a Cloud

Comin' up a Cloud

It’s comin’ up a cloud, as a Southern saying goes. Here comes a T-storm!

At 7:00 am it was quite cloudy, but not completely overcast. The sun was in and out of the clouds; but it didn’t look like it would rain soon. So I hitched up the trailer and rode to the salvage store.

Of course I kept an eye on the sky. There were already thunderheads building up when I left home; and bad weather can develop quickly. On the way back home, there were more clouds; but I got home dry.

The sky looked quite stormy, but it wasn’t raining yet; so I took a chance and rode over to the drug store. I wanted more masks; and I was delighted to discover that they were on sale. That was a good chance to stock up!

Just as I got home, I heard thunder. Yep — it was comin’ up a cloud. It was about 10:45 am by then; and I was rather surprised when it didn’t begin to pour within a short time. But maybe it’s still coming.

I ran up my bill at the salvage store by buying paper towels. There goes my stock-up-while-I-can mentality; and it might not even be necessary now. I also had to buy sunblock, because I forgot to bring mine with me. The ride back home was going to have me out for too long to not wear sunblock.

As always, I watched for things that I can use for ride food; and I wasn’t disappointed. The store still had something called Pro Bar Meal Bar; and for only 50¢ apiece. I got eight of them; and I also found Gatorade Whey Protein bars. They cost only 90¢ each. Gee, what’ll I do if that store goes out of business?

Tomorrow’s rain chances are greatest from early afternoon; so maybe I’ll be OK for my long ride. I want to get in my miles for Love to Ride, after all! My total for 2022 is up to 3742.2; and I have 1257.8 more to go.

As of 12:30 pm, the thunder was more frequent. Good thing I’m not starting a ride right now!