Come on Summer, we\’re ready for you!
I\’m sure much of the USA is only too eager for the weather to warm up. I know I\’m ready for a real ride without miserably cold fingers. Thanks to my problems with Raynaud\’s, I\’m reluctant to ride outdoors while this cold snap lasts; and I\’m getting tired of it.
New Orleans usually doesn\’t get this cold; and even more rarely does it stay so cold for so long. Some areas are even worse off than New Orleans, such as Texas. Those poor folks are really suffering; and my own problems seem trivial by comparison.
At about 6:30 yesterday evening, I stepped outside to put a bag of trash in the bin. The wind was already cutting; and I was glad I didn\’t have to stay out there more than a minute. I knew it would feel even colder this morning.
In fact, last night there was another freeze warning; and at 6 am this morning, the wind chill was 25 degrees. I want to go to the supermarket; but I can\’t face going out in that!
On an unrelated topic, last night I thought of a new exercise. The hybrid has been set up in the trainer most of the week; so all was ready. I took a pair of two-pound weights; climbed aboard; and lifted the weights around as I pedaled. I tried to coordinate left hand forward/right knee up and vice versa; but wasn\’t doing very well at it.
Tonight will get even colder than last night; and in the next few days it will finally warm up a little. But I sure feel like saying, Come on Summer!
Maybe thinking of the Hotter N Hell 100 would help?