



It\’s the closeout to my vacation. In essence, I have only tomorrow left. Saturday I have to get back into my usual salvage store/long ride routine. Monday, it\’s back to the salt mines.

I need to do some more cooking; and I\’m planning a Hoppin\’ John variation. The main reason for that is, I have to use up the celery! I have some canned kidney beans that I can use, so I won\’t have to cook beans; and the rice is cooking right now.

Today\’s ride was under threat of rain. The forecast said, 70% chance of showers; and in fact it was mostly overcast. I\’m glad it didn\’t rain; but the sky has stayed mostly gray today. When I rode out to get Chinese take-out for lunch, I used a pannier so I could bring along the poncho. The trunk would have been pretty cramped with a take-out box and that poncho in it!

When I was out on the road bike, I didn\’t try any \”hard stuff\”. I did that yesterday, and such hard efforts are not for every day. On top of that, my Garmin\’s Recovery Check screen read, \”Fair\”. Most of the time it says, \”Good\”. That was an indication that I needed to ease up today!

My vacation is approaching closeout; and so is Cycle September. Today is the final day, and I wish I could put in a few more miles; but I\’m not sure it\’s wise for me to do another ride now. Remember that \”Fair\” recovery! Besides, rain is still likely. I guess I\’ll stay home and keep dry.