Here it is, Christmas Eve Eve; and a gloomy, gray day.
Not that it\’s especially cold. In fact, it\’s warm for December; about 71 degrees. That, however, will soon change. Rain and T-storms are expected tonight; and tomorrow the wind will get much stronger. The temperature will drop into the mid-40s.
Knowing the forecast, I rode a few extra miles this morning. It looks like I won\’t want to ride outdoors tomorrow! Time to set up the trainer again. Gee, aren\’t I a wimp?
As to rain, it started earlier than I expected. About half past noon I walked over to the drug store. When I came out, it had already rained a little. I was glad I had my umbrella with me; and I\’m glad I used it during the walk home. With still a block to go, the rain began again.
The slightest amount of rain elicits groans from me for the time being; even if I\’m not cycling. Who knows how long the neighborhood road construction will take; and in the meantime, there\’s mud, Mud, and MUD. It can take several days for it to dry out; and that\’s only if we don\’t get any more precipitation.
This afternoon I can stay indoors. There\’s nothing I absolutely have to buy now, so I don\’t need to go to the stores; and for \”sport\” I plan to concoct another garbage soup.
What else is there to do on Christmas Eve Eve? I could do some sweeping, for once. I\’m terrible about keeping up with housework; and if I tried to keep up with the dust, I\’d do nothing else! It\’s a matter of priorities: nutrition and blogging matter more than a clean apartment to me.
Baking cookies? No; I don\’t have the ingredients. Sorry, Santa.