Chores sure pile up when you\’re away from home; not that I do much housecleaning, anyhow.
After a major weather event, and a consequent prolonged power outage, there are a few extra chores on hand. That is, I had to clean out almost everything I had in both fridge and freezer; and then clean the appliance itself.
For some reason I couldn\’t sleep last night; and I decided to take care of that task then. It was better than tossing and turning, and it meant I could get to the supermarket earlier today.
I had to be careful not to start for the store too early, though. After Ida, there was an 8:00 pm to 6:00 am curfew in effect for a while. I believe it\’s been lifted; but I\’m not entirely sure about it.
Back to the fridge. I heard that the electricity was off for four days; and I figured it was better to discard all the cheese. Hard cheeses are supposed to be OK after a power outage of four hours; but four days is another story. Maybe the mustard and ketchup were all right; but why take chances? Pickles and olives? They might be OK.
Maybe all that thinking about food is why I started to get hungry at about 1:00 am. Around 2 o\’clock I decided to eat something; and then plan what to cook for freezing.
It didn\’t take long to decide that; and then I checked my shopping list: carrots, green onions, and so on. As usual, I had to fight the temptation to add ice cream to the list!
Bicycle Tasks
My list of chores should include lubing the bicycles\’ chains. After all, those bicycles sat unused for three weeks; and they probably need more attention than pumped-up tires. But I didn\’t want to mess around with chain lube while I was still dressed for bed; and they say you shouldn\’t lube a chain and ride immediately afterwards. The oil needs time to \”sink in\”.
I have to pump up the tires on the trailer, too; and Saturday I want to head for the salvage store. Naturally I want to replace the stuff I had to discard; and I always like to see what the store will have.
My list of chores includes paying some bills that arrived while I was away; and I must schedule a COVID test in the next week or so. I have to put away the stuff that\’s in my suitcase; and there will be dishes to wash, etc. It never ends.