

Brothers All?

\"brothersAre these dishes brothers all? First it was Hoppin\’ John. Then Br\’er Joe and Leapin\’ Leo. And now it\’s Poppin\’ Pete!

Brothers all? I would say, yes. BJ, LL, and Pops are all variants of Hoppin\’ John.

If I may say so myself, they\’re all delicious. The slow-burning complex carbs in legumes and brown rice might make a great pre-stage breakfast during a Grand Tour. Or would all that fiber be better consumed for a post-stage supper?

Yesterday morning I cooked the rice for this dish. In the evening, I chopped the veggies. It all sat in the fridge overnight. Today I cooked the pintos with the celery; and chopped the cheese and washed dishes while I waited for them.

The beans done, it was assembly time. Stir the cheese into the hot beans. Add the veggies. Lastly add the rice. Ideally, the rice should still be hot; but trying to tend to cooking rice and boiling beans at the same time is a bit much.

I think I was on my feet too long. After I finished the Pops, I made a soup from a lot of odds and ends. There was more dishwashing. I was feeling lightheaded before I was finished.

Perhaps dehydration isn\’t restricted to outdoor activity. When I\’m so busy in the kitchen like that, maybe I don\’t drink enough water. After all, I don\’t want to have to go running to visit Mrs. Murphy when something on the stove needs close watching. Maybe I was getting dehydrated today. I\’d better not get dehydrated on the bike tomorrow.