Break the bank — not!
That’s why I go to the salvage store so often. I went again this morning; but tried not to bring home too much canned stuff. Even so, I had quite a load, because I bought a 6-pack of rolls of paper towels! That’s where that trailer comes in handy.
The store still has Gatorade Whey Protein bars on sale; and as long as they have them, I’ll keep stocking up. There was on-sale Valentine candy; and today I found hummus! For quite some time, I’ve seen boxes of rice pudding in the refrigerator section of the store; and I finally got some to try. It’s good with cinnamon and clove on top.
There was little wind today, which was a pleasant change. Last Saturday it was quite a battle, with the trailer catching the sidewind. I wish it were like today more often!
It looks like the wind will be somewhat stronger tomorrow; and that’s not the best news. Of course I’m planning a long ride; and I get SO tired of headwinds during those long treks. I want to extend my distance to 50 miles; and sometimes I wish there were more cycling routes available. I ride the same old path over and over; and that does get monotonous.
I think I need to get a new red blinkie for the back of my helmet.
The switch on the old one doesn’t seem to be working well. Sometimes I’m sure I turned off the light; and later I’ll find it blinking away. I guess it’s worn out; and I don’t think a new one will break the bank.