Doesn\’t brain drain drive you crazy?
Sometimes I\’ll get a blog idea at a moment when I can\’t write it down. The next thing I know, I\’ve forgotten it; and I have to think up something else!
Brain drain often strikes when I\’m out on a morning ride. I\’ve been working at three-minute intervals of pushing the pace up to 15-16 mph; with two minutes of easy riding between efforts. After I\’ve done two or three sets, I lose track.
And don\’t we all know the frustration of arriving at the store; and discovering that we forgot the shopping list. More than once, when I did that, I forgot the item that I most wanted to get. Brain drain yet again!
After I got back from the salvage store today, I rode the hybrid to the bike shop; and nearly forgot that I was going to the bike shop, and not to the drug store. I go to the latter much more often; and I guess muscle memory was trying to take over.
Brain Work
I did a bit of brain work after my trip to the bike shop: I finally got around to weighing the load I had brought home from the salvage store. Many times I wondered just how heavy a load I was hauling with that trailer. Today\’s loot weighed roughly 20 pounds. Add to that the weight of the trailer itself; and I had about 35 pounds to pull.
I\’m planning a ride of 38-39 miles for tomorrow; but without deliberate efforts to go fast. Sunday rides are about a steady, moderate pace; and trying to keep track of \”three minutes hard; two minutes easy\” for hours is major brain drain! Or maybe I can try some fartlek. That gives a rider some variety; but without the mental work of keeping track of \”intervals\”.
Now for some more brain work: what shall I take for ride food? Lemon Delight Think! bars are slightly tangy; and a nice change from most of the bars I take on long rides. Maybe some olives? The temperature will be in the mid-80s before I get back home; and the saltiness of olives tastes good on a long, hot ride. Maybe that means I need the sodium! By the way, is sodium good for brain drain?