

Black Friday


Today is Black Friday; and sometimes it is, indeed, very black. We hear reports in the news of people being badly injured — or even killed — in the stampedes that ensue as stores open their doors to shoppers.

Walmart didn\’t seem to have that problem; or maybe I got there after the main rush. When I checked their hours yesterday, it said that they opened at 5:00 am. I didn\’t leave for the store until at least 7:30.

The \”black Friday\” part of it, for me, was the wind. When I set out, it was from the ENE at 21 mph; and when I left the store it was still blowing away. During the ride home, I had to spend a lot of time using my granny gear. I guess I overdid it a bit yesterday, because I felt rather tired. Or maybe it only seemed that way because of that dratted wind.

It was worth it, though. I got most of my Xmas shopping done; and now I have to wrap the gifts, and pack them up for shipping. Shipping, incidentally, can cost as much as the gifts; or even more!

I\’m glad the forecast for tomorrow shows much less wind than we\’re getting today! I want to head for the salvage store; and I want to take the trailer. When I go to the salvage store, I don\’t know what I might find; and sometimes I come across a bonanza that makes me glad I brought the trailer.

Sunday there isn\’t supposed to be much wind; but there is a 40% chance of showers. I don\’t like that, naturally; but I\’ll just have to take my chances. Winter Wheelers is coming up; and I have to stay in shape for it!