
Bike to Work Day

\"bikeToday is Bike to Work Day! So test your mettle, and ride a bicycle to work!

I had no idea that Bike to Work Day went back so far. It\’s been around longer than I have!  I had the idea that it was a much more recent innovation.

Locally, Bike to Work Day 2019 will be held on April 10. That\’s because it could well be hot by late May. Ironically, doing the Bike to Work ride here would take me miles out of my way, and make me late to work.

I\’d have to ride through unfamiliar streets to get to work from the Bike to Work destination. That isn\’t much fun even when there isn\’t a lot of traffic. And at 9:30 am on a weekday, traffic is likely to be quite heavy.

I\’ll have to check Google Maps. There might be a route with less traffic. As far as time goes, I could probably take a couple of hours of vacation.

Sure, riding a bicycle to work has its downside. You\’re totally exposed to the weather, and having a steady stream of cars almost at your elbow can be intimidating. Not to mention the noise! If you have concerns about bicycling to work, check out this article.

If I don\’t take part in the official Bike to Work Day ride, no big deal. I can still ride my bicycle to work.