

Better and Better

Better and Better!

My hand is getting better and better! 

Today I tried another ride on the road bike. The sky looked so threatening that I cut it very short; but my hand did better that it did last Wednesday. Shifting up to the big ring is still uncomfortable; but at least it doesn’t hurt now.

The left-hand shifter on the hybrid is another story. That one must be pushed with the thumb in order to shift to a bigger ring; and that does still hurt. I hope it isn’t long before I can manage it.

For lunch I got Chinese take-out. I wish I could ride my hybrid for that errand; but the trunk I have for the hybrid is too narrow for a take-out box. It started to sprinkle as I was carrying my lunch home; and I’m glad it didn’t rain any harder until later.

In fact, I’m surprised we haven’t had a big T-storm yet. From what the forecasts keep saying, it looks to me like bad weather is coming. So far it hasn’t, thank goodness; but all the same it’s frustrating to stay in because of concerns over the weather; and then nothing happens.

I was glad it didn’t rain this morning while I was getting to and from occupational therapy. I may be able to “graduate” in about a month; and then it will be easier to get other things done. Like riding! And cooking, working social media — it looks better and better.