I fear the heat of the last fortnight is a bellwether of the month to come; and I\’m weary of getting so very hot and tired during my Sunday long rides! Yesterday we had another heat advisory; and by evening yet another had already been posted for today.
If I had a crystal ball, I could see what\’s coming weeks ahead; and plan accordingly. Unfortunately I don\’t have a crystal ball; and have forecasts for only a few days to a week in advance.
So far this week it\’s still very hot; and I hope Sunday won\’t bring more excessive heat warnings. I already made last Sunday\’s ride very short; and the Sunday ride before that was also rather short. I don\’t want to miss any more mileage. I don\’t need that if I have any idea of riding a century in the next month or so!
Maybe this \”wearable A/C\”
would help during those hours-long rides; but it would also spoil me!
There’s another bellwether or two of Fall’s approach; even though the weather doesn\’t feel like it. For several weeks, I’ve seen that it gets light later in the morning; and I\’ll be glad when I don\’t have to put sunblock on my face before my morning rides.
It gets dark earlier in the evenings, too; and I like that! When it stays light until 8:00 pm and later, evening doesn\’t look like evening; and often I don\’t realize how late it is.
The way the blue jays holler now sounds like Fall, too. I must remember to watch for Orion during the homeward-bound part of my morning rides. When I see him sliding downwards towards the western horizon, it means that Autumn is on the way — and maybe some relief from the heat.