

Be-TWIX\’d and Between?

\"betwixtYou could definitely say that I\’m \”betwixt and between\” as a cyclist. I\’ve come a long way from being a beginner; but I\’m a long, long way from being a true expert.

Thinking of that expression got me to thinking of Twix Bars — or was it the other way around? I enjoy Twix when off the bike.

I\’ve never tried to take Twix bars along on a ride. I don\’t think they\’d be good ride food .The chocolate coating would get too melt-y and messy unless it were cold weather and overcast. In addition, I need ride food to have some substance to it; so I think I\’ll stick with Clif Bars.

Many years ago Twix brought out three new flavors. In addition to the original Caramel, there were: Peanut Butter, Cookies \’n\’ Cream, and Chocolate Fudge. It\’s a long, long time since I\’ve seen those last two. I guess those three flavors were a marketing experiment, and except for Peanut Butter, they didn\’t \”take off\”. And for a fact, I wasn\’t too crazy about the Chocolate Fudge flavor.

Now that I\’ve decided to leave the Twix Bars at home, I\’ll go out and ride; but I don\’t expect to escape the \”betwixt and between\” zone any time soon.