

Bare Skin Time

Bare Skin Time

We’ve got to take care of that “top layer”!

It’s warm again; and that means it’s bare skin time. That, in turn, means it’s time for lots of sunblock!

I can’t have too much of this on hand.

I almost have to take a bath in it; and it’s rather annoying. When I get home from my Sunday long ride, I have three or four layers of sunblock to wash off; and I really don’t like washing all that stuff down my drains. That’s the price I pay for not needing leg warmers and long sleeves!

I’m getting back into riding after a week of low mileage. Mondays I usually only ride to work; and Tuesday was prep day for a medical procedure. Who can ride long and/or strong on Jello® and Mountain Dew®? I didn’t even do five miles that day! The next day, of course, I couldn’t ride; and Thursday I made a supermarket run before work. Friday I finally got to do a real ride; and yesterday I rode to the salvage store.

Today I put in 42.1 miles; and according to my Love to Ride statistics, that gets me to 1996 miles so far this year. I need to bump it up to 2500 by the end of this month; and that will take some doing. I’m lagging on my progress towards my 2022 mileage goal; and if I have to have surgery for that bone spur in my hand, I’ll lose several more days!

Bare skin time at least makes it easier to get out on the bike. When it’s cold and windy, I have to prod myself into riding; and it takes longer to get dressed! Now I probably don’t need to worry about that until October.