

Back to School

Back to School

Back to school means getting back into the groove. Books; pens; and many other items. And, of course, back to school means getting the kids to school. If you opt for active transport, there are a number of options.

To take a very young child to daycare, the Copilot Child Carrier is an option. This seat can carry up to 50 pounds; and its sides are a bright, highly visible color. Copilot Child Carrier works best with recreational bikes. 

For a child who’s ready to do some pedaling, the Kent Wee Ride lets your youngster ride behind you. The Kent Wee Ride has a saddle and handlebars as in a regular bike. Twenty-inch wheels; coaster brakes; and a chain guard to keep clothing from getting snagged.

The Kazoo Bicycle Trailercycle is designed for children ages 4-10; and up to 85 pounds. Excellent stability; with reflectors for better visibility. Oh, and how about humming a tune on the way to school?

If your child is ready to pedal independently, there’s the Huffy Upshot. This bike is for kids ages 3-9. The quick-release seat clamp lets you adjust the saddle height as your youngster grows.

For carrying lunch or other needs, the Anzome Kids Bike Basket fits most children’s bikes. Velcro fastenings make it easy to attach/remove; and it has a rust-resistant coating. Easy to clean, too.

Naturally, getting to and from school by active transport means being mindful of safety. If possible, avoid routes with heavy motor traffic. A safety wing and lights enhance visibility. Lighting will be increasingly important as the days shorten, and kids might be starting out when it’s still dark. If your young ‘un enjoys the creepy, there are Spider Spoke Lights!