I\’m finally back in the kitchen!
Today I let riding slide. I made a short trip to Whole Foods; but that was it.
I absolutely had to do my laundry; and when that was out of the way, it was more than high time I ate lunch. Today I created another new dish!
All morning I mulled over ways to use up the cabbage that I bought a week ago. By the time I finished washing clothes, I knew what I wanted to do. The result: Sweet & Sour Sesame Cabbage!
I enjoyed this new dish, but unfortunately it doesn\’t \”stick to my ribs\” very well. I ate an apple, too; but 90 minutes later I already feel the edge of hunger again.
I have further cooking projects in mind: soups made with a mixture of black beans and field peas. I can use up more of the cabbage; and some canned tomatoes, too. Today I bought wild rice, and I plan to add some of it to at least one soup. I\’ll be back in the kitchen for some time to come!
But not all day. Tomorrow looks good for riding! It will be warmer than today, which is fine with me. This morning it was a rather nippy and windy 62 degrees, and my nose drove me crazy on the way to and from the store. It ran so fast, I could\’t possibly keep up with it!