Make No Bones?
Let’s make no bones about it; osteoporosis is not a good thing. I developed it several years ago, after years of osteopenia; and it’s another reason I have no aspirations to be a pro cyclist. Even if I were a good enough rider; and my age weren’t a barrier; osteoporosis puts me at high risk for fractures in case I crash. What team manager is willing to take that risk? I’m on medication for it; and have tried (not very successfully, I admit) to decrease my Diet Coke intake. I got into the bad habit of drinking lots of it during the years when I was dragging along with an undiagnosed sleep disorder; and was desperate for something to perk me up. I don’t like coffee; so I turned to cola instead. A drawback to cycling and bone health is that cycling is non-impact; and it’s impactful exercise that helps keep dem bones strong. Plyometrics can help with that; and sometimes I wish I didn’t live in a raised building. Let’s make no bones about it: plyometrics produce quite a lot of noise under such circumstances! At the moment, however, I’m not thinking about dem bones; but the weather. There’s a severe T-storm warning in effect; and we even got a few hailstones! I picked one up from my porch and — yes! — ate it. We’ve got a wind advisory in effect until mid-afternoon tomorrow; and a freeze warning for tomorrow night. What bizarre weather! Plans Thwarted None of this bodes well for a trip to the salvage store tomorrow; nor for the long ride on Sunday. I’ll have to play it by ear, I guess. If I go to the salvage store, I’ll have a terrific headwind on the way home; and a long ride on Sunday will be a very cold one, with the chill penetrating down to dem bones. Now and then I take a Sunday off from riding; and maybe this is a good time to take such a break. I’ll make no bones about it: such cold rides are not the most fun. I know my nose won’t give me a moment’s peace during a frigid ride; and it’s hard to eat on the bike when my fingers are hampered by thick gloves. It’s time to set up the trainer, I guess.