


\"aquaticsAquatics sounds like synchronized swimming, or scuba diving. Or surfing. But how about pedal-powered boats?

I don\’t mean those paddle-boats you see on ponds in parks. I mean serious watercraft, such as for commuting.

There\’s the Schiller X1. Weighing 45 pounds, it\’s lighter than many kayaks, and can fit into the trunk of most cars. It can be assembled/disassembled in ten minutes. If you must cross water to get to work/the grocery store/a friend\’s house, and there\’s no bridge or ferry service, the Schiller X1 could save the day

I live close to the Mississippi River. Would I try this if I wanted to get to the other side, but didn\’t want to try riding across a bridge? I think not. That river is about a mile wide here, and there\’s a lot of water traffic. I wouldn\’t stand a chance against even a tugboat; and suppose a big, loaded tanker came along before I could get out of the shipping channel? The currents are strong, too. The Schiller X1 is a great idea, but as far as I can see it\’s meant for calmer waters.

Oh, yes — better wear a life jacket, I say. No matter how strong a swimmer you are, a life jacket for activities on the water is only common sense.

If the Schiller X1 is too tame for you, take a look at this. Was it, perhaps, inspired by the  Gossamer Albatross? Or perhaps the Kon-Tiki expedition?

I think it would be fun to try one of those Schiller X1 craft, on a quiet pond. I hope, though, that I wouldn\’t tip over. That would mean more aquatics than I want.