

\"apparitionA strange apparition is normal, I guess, when you ride in the dark almost every morning.

Yesterday morning on the return leg of my ride, I noticed something in the sky, ahead and off to my left. At first I thought, \”airplane\”; but all I saw were white lights. There didn\’t seem to be the blinking red and green lights that all airplanes have.

Whatever it was didn\’t seem to be moving, either. It looked like it had more lights than an airplane would; and the lights seemed to form an inverted crescent.

I finally figured it was probably some kind of drone. I\’ve seen people \”flying\” drones, and drones can do some amazing things. They can hover, I believe, and there\’s talk of using drones to deliver packages! I\’m sure they\’ll think of other uses for drones. For instance, will Meals on Wheels become Meals on Drones?

Could that whatever-it-was apparition have been … a UFO? Well, technically, yes. It was flying (or hovering), and I didn\’t know what it was.

UFOs are an intriguing subject; but when it comes to \”flying saucers\”, I admit that I fall into the skeptics\’ camp.

As usual, I had to watch where I was riding, so I couldn\’t observe it too closely. After maybe five minutes I lost sight of it. Who knows, though. Maybe some time I\’ll see it again.