
An Easter Ride

eggciting egg easter ride wind T-storm

Happy Easter, everybody; and it’s time for an Easter ride!

I didn’t see a rabbit today, but I did see a bald eagle in flight. They’re easy to identify: a large, dark bird with a white head. Around here, at least, only the bald eagle fits that description.

I had great riding weather. When I started, the temperature was in the mid-50s. On the way home, with 19 miles left to go, I got warm enough to stop and take off my leg warmers and skull cap.

Homeward-bound I felt like I had a headwind; but when I stopped there was hardly any wind at all. I wasn’t even going any too fast, so I don\’t think it was my own forward-motion wind. In fact, I averaged barely over 13 mph. I made one attempt to crank it up to 20 mph, but didn’t get there. I guess I was too tired by then.

My Sunday long rides, including an Easter ride, are about working on endurance; but often I start to feel too tired on the way home. Maybe I need to take more of a break before starting back from whatever turnaround point I choose.

Before I could get home, I had to take a detour. There was a train blocking my usual crossing. I had to ride to the next crossing. I saw that the train was so long that it had been split in order to clear the way.

Even though it was a freight train, perhaps it had a passenger that was running late? Let’s say, Peter Cottontail?