


\"amAm I? Or am I not?

A narcissist, that is. Narcissism is a hot topic these days. Only yesterday I read something about it in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic; and it made me wonder.

The article said something about hoarding goods such as toilet paper and food; and refusing to obey wear-a-mask mandates. Supposedly these behaviors are \”narcissistic\”. OK, let\’s get at it.

When I first began to hear about the virus having cropped up in the USA; and reports of that notorious toilet paper \”flying off the shelves\”, I decided I\’d better lay in a supply. Further speculation that we might have to remain indoors for months prompted me to buy more toilet paper whenever I could; and Ivory Soap®, too. You know: Just In Case.

Does that mean I\’m narcissistic, or merely a sensible person who looks ahead?

And food! I\’ve built up quite a supply of canned goods, thanks to my trips to the salvage store. Am I a narcissist because I don\’t go running around giving it to people? I don\’t think so. If a hurricane threatens, I don\’t want to have to make a frantic trip to the store, hoping there will be SOMEthing left on the shelves.

Incidentally, there\’s a tropical depression out there in the Gulf of Mexico right now. We might get some rough weather, or even tropical storm conditions; although coastal Texas looks like it will take the main brunt of it.

And masks! I wear one when I go into a store; or have to see a doctor; need to use public transit; or am going about on foot. On the bicycle it\’s different. A mask is too smothery during strenuous exercise! Does such thinking mean I\’m a narcissist? Am I narcissistic because I continue to ride at all?

I don\’t know. I\’m just glad it\’s Friday.