

Always Looking for Vindication!

\"alwaysAre we always looking for vindication? How many lists such as this does it take any rider to convince him/her that, \”Yes, I\’m a true cyclist\”?

#1: It\’s a long time since I last rode with a local group; but I found it hard to recognize many of the other riders when they weren\’t wearing helmet and sunglasses.

#2: My dishwasher, just for the record, is called a pair of hands. And yes, water bottles do become scruffy-looking rather quickly. I don\’t care about that, as long as they\’re clean inside.

#3: I\’m still not sure I\’ve found the \”perfect\” ride food/drink. I\’ve experimented with it, and have discovered that some things, while tasty. lack the \”oomph\” needed during a long ride!

#4 & #5: I don\’t qualify here. I haven\’t had a car for nearly 16 years!

#6: YES!!

#7: I haven\’t reached the point of posting FB pics of me, but gosh, that\’s some gorgeous landscape! With the Matterhorn!

#8 & #9: Again, I don\’t drive a car, and try to not have to ride alongside traffic too much; precisely because there are some crazy drivers out there.

#10: When I go to the salvage store (a discount grocery), I do wear cycling shorts. It\’s a round trip of over 9 miles; and especially when it\’s hot, cycling shorts are more comfortable.

#11: I avoid gyms because of my sensitivities to \”fragrances\”; and because I don\’t enjoy the loud \”music\”.

#12: Bouncing in the saddle? You need to work at developing a smoother pedal stroke; and yes, probably a harder gear.

#13: I probably need some group rides that will challenge me to ride a bit faster. Guess I\’ll have to put that on my bucket list!

#14: Travel costs too much, so I\’m quite the one for \”staycations\”. But I\’d like to do another 100-miler, even if it\’s all on my own.

Continued later.