

A Grain of Salt


A grain of salt might not be a bad thing for us cyclists.

Salt has gotten rather a bad name, thanks to its role in hypertension. Sometimes I think it\’s a wonder I don\’t have high blood pressure; I love salt. But I actually have the opposite problem; and I wonder whether it might be secondary to another condition.

Athletes who work long and hard in heat and humidity are apt to lose a lot of salt through perspiration. Some, in fact, lose so much salt through their skin that their workout clothes become encrusted in salt.

This is why electrolyte replacement during long and/or hard workouts is important. I\’ve noticed that, after an hour or so of riding, water doesn\’t quench my thirst very well; but downing more and more water isn\’t a good idea. Overdoing the water can result in hyponatremia.

Hyponatremia is a serious condition, and potentially fatal; and of course we want to avoid that! There are many options out there for electrolyte replacement: Zym is just one of them (I like the berry flavor). Some people enjoy Gatorade.

Pickle juice is another way to get a grain of salt (and then some!); and one of these days I hope to try frozen pickle juice.

Salty foods are welcome during my long Sunday rides; especially in hot, humid weather. RXBar Sea Salt Chocolate does well. Combos are salty enough, but unfortunately they lack \”oomph\”. I\’ve been phasing out Combos, anyway. They\’re high-carb and low in protein; and not what I need on a prediabetes diet.

Unfortunately I love sweets; but I also enjoy salty foods such as olives. My favorite way to eat broccoli is lightly steamed, with lemon juice and salt on it.

So let\’s get creative! There are plenty of ways to get salt.