
Day 10

\"loveLove to Ride, Day 10!

I had wonderful riding weather this morning. The temperature was about 64; the sky was clear; and there was almost no wind. If only it could be like that every day! That would be cyclists’ paradise, as far as I’m concerned.

I wasn’t trying to push the pace today; but on a whim, I tried some out-of-saddle pedaling. All of a sudden I felt stronger at it than I ever have before. Maybe my “force” exercises are paying off? I even tried riding over a pipe-hump or three while out of saddle; but unfortunately I don’t seem to be ready for that yet. I wavered all over the place. C’mon core, get with it!

I\’m now turning an eye towards the forecast for the next four days. Tomorrow should be OK, at least for the morning ride; but as the day goes on, the wind is expected to strengthen. Friday there\’s a 20% chance of showers. Still not too bad.

Saturday the chance of showers increases to 30%; and Sunday doesn\’t look good at all: 70% chance of showers and T-storms.

But you never know. Sometimes a 10% chance of rain brings a furious downpour; and sometimes  a 70% (or more) chance of rain means not a drop. I\’m glad this is only Day 10 of Love to Ride. That means I still have plenty of time to get in those miles!