
Five Down

\"fiveFive down, and twenty-five more days of the Love to Ride challenge to go. I hope the weather doesn\’t keep on the way it has for the past two days.

After yesterday’s hard efforts, I did only a short, easy ride on the road bike. It was sprinkling a bit when I went out; but not bad. In fact, the water on the ground was much worse than what was falling down. My feet got wet when I had to ride through a couple of ponds of accumulated rain water. After 20 minutes or so the drizzle started to get heavier, which had me concerned that the atmospheric electricity was about to flare up; so I went home a bit earlier than planned. With only five down, I don\’t need to get electrocuted.

To Work

Riding to work this morning was too much like yesterday morning’s commute. I started out in a light rain that became a downpour before I was halfway there. At least today I wasn’t being chased by lightning; but if anything I got wetter than I did yesterday morning. In part that’s because I had put most of my stuff in my backpack. Having a bulky pack on my back “shortens” the poncho, so the hem of my shorts got quite wet. The bike trunk was still damp inside from yesterday’s dousing, and all I had in it was the cable lock.

All this rainy weather has dampened more than me and my stuff. It’s short-circuited my brain, too. I forgot to put the tail light on the hybrid, and didn’t realize it until I got to work. I reached automatically for the light to take it off; and it wasn’t there! Riding to work in the rain leaves me feeling sleepy and tired, making it hard for my mind to focus. I’m glad I remembered to pack a lunch today, so I didn’t need to go outside. I could change into my spare socks and shoes, and have dry feet.

Some people might ask, why did I ride to work when I’m close enough to have walked? For one thing, I wouldn’t have stayed much drier if I had walked. Two, the Love to Ride challenge is on! Five down, and I\’m not going to quit. It’s good blog material! Besides, disasters make good copy, right?