
Another View


Another view never hurts; so let\’s take a look.

If you ride a bicycle, that makes you a cyclist, right? Not everyone agrees, and that\’s okay. We don\’t have to call ourselves cyclists because we ride bicycles.

Sometimes I wonder whether I, myself, am a \”real\” cyclist. Yes, I ride regularly. I have a road bike, and do most of my miles on it. I use padded cycling shorts, and have cold-weather gear such as leg warmers.

When I first took to riding, I immediately discovered that my legs liked the feeling of pedaling; and they still love it! I enjoy putting in the miles. Well, most of the time I do. Is that what makes one a cyclist? If so, then count me in!

But am I out there training for hours a day, five or six days a week? No, I\’m not. Do I have a training schedule of any sort? Not exactly. Do I train seriously? Not if the lack of a coach means I\’m not serious; and is my diet up to scratch? Definitely not.

I don\’t go everywhere by bicycle, and seldom have dreams about riding (I don\’t dream much at all, for that matter. Blame it on the sleep disorder, I guess). I don\’t have a bucket list full of cycling tours to make once I\’m retired. Those long tours sound wonderful, but my finances dictate otherwise.

So now, am I a cyclist; or not a cyclist? Do I need another view from an impartial second party?

I don\’t think about it too much, or I\’d drive myself crazy. I just ride.