
Sunblock Day

Sunblock Day

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Today is a sunblock day; or at least, it was. As of 12:15 pm, it seems to be clouding up; and in fact, rain is likely tonight and tomorrow.

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While I’m talking about sunblock, let’s not forget about lip care. After all, lips are skin, right? Rough, chapped, cracked lips can make eating uncomfortable; and who enjoys that? Worst is when the corners of my mouth get chapped, because they get sawn up when I try to floss my teeth. Ouch.

Today I’m late going for a ride. I had to hike over to a local optical shop to see whether they can mend my sunglasses. They’d have to send them somewhere; and it would cost about $80! But I had the case that came with my sunglasses; and of course it has the brand name on it. The shop says, I can send the glasses to the manufacturer; and it will cost only the shipping fee! You can probably guess which course I chose. Until I can get that taken care of, I have some cheap “toy” sunglasses to use.

Now I’m waiting for my landlady to come by to pick up the month’s rent; and after that’s taken care of, I hope to get out for a ride. My foot now lets me ride about nine miles; and I hope to be riding farther soon. Maybe even to the salvage store! That’s one of my questions for the podiatrist when I see him day after tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I’ll keep focusing on engaging my quads when riding. I think I was using more foot pressure than I realized. Actually, both foot-push and quad-lift are parts of the pedal stroke; but for now quad-lift will be better for me. However I pedal, don’t let me forget that this is a sunblock day.