

Still No See

Still No See

Still no see; the comet, I mean. I rode early again; but had no luck spotting the celestial visitor.

Maybe I was looking in the wrong part of the sky. There may well have been too much light pollution; or maybe the comet is still too faint. Binoculars would have helped, maybe. But as I said, still no see.

As I rode, daylight began to grow; and that meant the end of this morning’s viewing. I did only a short ride, anyway, so I could make a trip to the supermarket before there was too much traffic.

I can have another try at seeing the comet tomorrow morning; and I hope the weather cooperates. The hour-by-hour forecast says, mostly clear; so maybe I’ll have a chance. It probably would help if I were more familiar with the constellation Leo.

Good weather means a good trip to the salvage store! Last week I went there on Thursday, because the forecast for Saturday was none too favorable. I’m glad I wasn’t riding home from there at about 5:00 pm yesterday. A humdinger of a T-storm broke out; with a heavy downpour and some very close lightning! Being on top of the levee in weather like that makes my skin crawl. 

Today it didn’t get quite so  hot; and afternoon overcast helped. Once we get some real Fall weather, maybe I can start making short afternoon rides in addition to regular morning rides? I’ll need such training if I want to tackle RAGBRAI some day!