
Cloud Cover

Cloud Cover

I was thankful for the cloud cover this morning. Yes, it looked like it might rain any minute; but a good cloud cover keeps things a tad cooler.

Today I cut my mileage a little, because I did some force efforts. I hit a max speed of 19.83 mph! I’m rather lazy, though; and do such work only once a week. I still limit these efforts to 30 seconds at a time; but maybe I should start pushing for 40 seconds. 

I do know, however, that really intense work should be limited to once weekly; and skip it every fourth week (if you’re under 40); or every third week (if you’re over 40).

I’m eyeing the forecast for tomorrow. It looks like it probably won’t rain early in the day; so maybe I’ll take an early-morning ride to the supermarket. We’re still wilting under heat advisories; and I try to be home and indoors by 10:00 am.

Cloud cover keeps things a little bit cooler indoors, too; so I’m happy when the sun isn’t blazing down all day long! We finally got a good rain yesterday afternoon; and we really needed it. 

Speaking of heat, I have a cooling device that does help. It’s only about two inches wide; but I can put it around my neck and tuck the loose ends inside my jersey. It’s one of my salvage store finds!

Of course I’m planning to ride to that store come Saturday — and am hoping for some cloud cover to keep me from broiling.