


I’m getting inflexible. Since my hand surgery, I haven’t even been doing my off-bike flexibility exercises; and it’s catching up with me. 

If I stoop to pick up something, my leg muscles ache. They also hurt when I stand up after a spell of sitting cross-legged on the floor. Obviously it’s high time I resumed those exercises!

Today I had occupational therapy; and my hand doesn’t need any more work today. I guess I overworked it for the previous day or two; because it had cramps in it when I woke this morning. A setback is something I do not need; so I need to take it easy for the rest of the day. But it’s a nuisance to have to type one-handed; and cooking is tricky when I can’t use one hand well.

I hope I get out to use a WattBike® later today; but now I’m awaiting a shipment from WholeFoods. It includes perishables, so I don’t want it to arrive while I’m away; and then sit outdoors for an hour or  more. It’s 75 degrees out there!

It’ll be great when I can ride to the store again. Call me inflexible if you like; but I’d far rather ride to the store to get my groceries, than order online. I need the exercise; and I’m sure it’s cheaper than online purchasing. 

I hope it won’t be long before I’m back on the bike. The therapist says my recovery is right on schedule; so that’s good news. I just wish I could speed it up!