Did I make a good start to Cycling 2022?
I guess that depends on how you look at it. I did ride yesterday, but only 11.50 miles; and that really isn\’t much. During December I rode every single day, even if only a mile or so; and that probably explains why my legs felt somewhat tired. There was quite a wind yesterday, too; and that didn\’t help.
My goal for 2022 is to ride 5000 miles; and on Thursday I\’m scheduled to have some nerve ending tumors excised from my lower back. The dermatologist says I\’ll need to take it easy with the riding for a while, because I\’ll have sutures; so I want to get in some miles before then. I also want to ride while I can, before I have to return to work!
Today, Sunday, is normally long-ride day; but given the forecast, I decided to do a regular, weekday-style ride. It\’s just as well I did!
The wind was already 12 mph when I started; and by the time I got home, it was up to 24 mph! I\’m glad I had that wind behind me for the second half of my ride. Less than an hour after I got home, it began to rain on and off. There\’s a freeze warning in effect for tonight; and the wind will still be pretty strong. I bet the chill factor will be in the 20s tomorrow. Time to haul out the warming packs!
Always Food!
My diet is not off to a good start; that\’s for sure. Potato chips sure don\’t belong in any healthful eating regimen; but I\’m trying to get back on track. Yesterday afternoon I cooked chimifower; except I substituted curry powder for the chimichurri. That makes it cauliflower tikka masala!
Constant carb-tracking is tiresome; and often it\’s hard to get myself to plan and prepare the kind of meals I need. Sometimes I plan my meals; and then eat something else, anyway! When I\’m at work, if I run out of the food I carried with me; and then get hungry; junk food is often my only option.
When it\’s cold in here, all I want to do is stay parked in front of the electric heater. That, of course, doesn\’t help me to get any cooking done; and if I want to eat healthfully, I\’ve got to cook!
It looks like the coming cold snap will be brief; so I won\’t need to sit in front of the heater as much. And I hope to get in a long ride before I must return to work. After all, I want to make a good start on this year\’s mileage goal!