
Don\’t Worry I Won\’t


Don\’t worry I won\’t try any of these things. They don\’t have to tell me not to try them, whether at home or elsewhere!

The first on the list I can manage as long as I ride my accustomed Sunday route. There\’s a place about 14.5 miles out where I can halt for a pit stop; and it\’s right off the bike path.

The helping hand would be useful when I\’m bucking a headwind. It\’s quite tiring to battle the breeze for mile after mile; and it would feel good to get that extra push.

My bike-handling skills certainly aren\’t equal to dressing/undressing while rolling. Heck, I can\’t even ride no-hands. Of course I can manage unzipping a jacket; or pulling down arm warmers. But I\’d better not unzip that jacket all the way, in case I need to zip it up again.

I don\’t dare try to adjust anything on my bicycle while moving, except the angle of my Garmin; or of a handlebar-mounted bottle cage. I\’m amazed at riders who can play mechanic while pedaling at racing speed.

Taking off leg warmers while riding is definitely beyond me. I still have days when I swerve all over the place; and how can I pull off said leg warmers while moving if I can\’t even hold a straight line? Besides that, I can just see myself getting the leg warmers tangled up in my pedals. CRASH!! Don\’t worry I won\’t try it.

Grabbing that musette must take both careful timing and delicate maneuvering. The person handing out those feed bags has to take care not to step too close; and of course the rider has to avoid hitting the \”bag person\”.

Those on-bike stretches are also beyond my skills. I think I\’ll try them at home — OFF the bike!