Was day before yesterday unlucky 13, even though it wasn\’t Friday?
I set out to do six-minute intervals of working for 15 mph or faster; and it was hard to stay at the desired speed. I did two such intervals; and then I did a shorter one of 2-3 minutes, trying to push it to 17 mph. At the end of that effort, it was time to stop and turn for home.
My legs felt rubbery when I got off the bike to turn it. My right leg had trouble clearing the saddle, and I nearly got tangled up in it. Was that unlucky 13?
Riding home felt harder than going out did. There was little breeze; so I guess my legs were just tired. Maybe I\’m not ready for six-minute intervals yet? On the other hand, a certain amount of pushing past one\’s comfort level is part of training. The trick is not to do too much, too soon; but how do I know when it\’s too soon; and when it\’s already too late?
As for \”that number\”, many cultures do consider it unlucky; but in Italy it\’s the opposite. Last weekend I saw something in a video about unlucky 13 in bicycle racing. A racing cyclist, at least in Le Tour, wears two number patches on the back of his jersey; one on each side. What of the rider who ends up as #13?
One number patch — I believe it was the one on the left — is attached upside down; and the one on the right is right-side up. But does rider #13 also carry a four-leaf clover? It couldn\’t hurt😉.
Day before yesterday, for a change, it didn\’t rain; so in that respect, 13 was lucky. I hope I get lucky with the weather on Sunday, too.