That\’s right: AIR care; not hair care.
How can you best care for yourself while in the air? Traveling by air can mean hours of sitting in a cramped seat, in air that\’s often too cold, and too dry besides.
Especially if you\’re a serious bicycle racer, you\’ll have additional concerns. Not only about that bicycle in the luggage hold, either. Air travelers are often advised to do what they can to prevent blood pooling in the legs. If you\’re traveling to a bicycle race, you\’ll want to do all possible to keep that circulation moving.
Compression socks can help with that. I\’ve tried wearing them when the orthostatic hypotension was bothering me so much, and I personally don\’t find them comfortable. But if I travel by air again, maybe I\’ll try them.
Another problem with air travel is dry eye. Artificial tears can provide relief. The prospect of \”fragrances\” is a major concern for me if I fly; more so than it usually is. Just try to get out of a sealed tube at 30,000 feet when somebody\’s \”scent\” gets to be too much for you! I wear a filter mask; carry spares; and hope for the best! As for airplanes being cold, carry on some sort of sweater.
It\’s years since I last flew, and I\’ve certainly never tried to fly anywhere with a bicycle in the hold. But who knows? Maybe a miracle happen and I\’ll get rich enough to buy that bicycle travel case; and pay for a plane ticket to — RAGBRAI, maybe? Wherever I go, I must remember Air Care.