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Happy 2024!

I’m glad it wasn’t raining this morning. There were plenty of clouds, though; and there’s still a 30% chance of showers.

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I decided to ride in the park; and my worries about rowdy, hung-over revelers proved unfounded. Today I focused on using my quads; and this is where toe clips come in handy. They mean you don’t have to push down with your feet quite as much as you do with plain platform pedals.

It was about 50 degrees when I went out; and no wind.😊 My plan was to ride three laps around the park; and then head home. During lap #3, my thighs began to feel tired; and it also felt like the wind was starting to kick up. Which, in fact, it was.

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Today’s ride was a shade longer than yesterday’s; so I’m making progress. I was glad the sunshine wasn’t all that strong, because yesterday my sunglasses broke! The mini-peg holding the left lens to the nosepiece pulled through the edge of the lens. I’ll ask the nearby optical shop whether they can mend it. I hope so, because these are costly prescription sunglasses!

I can hardly believe it’s 2024 already. Seems like 2023 had barely gotten underway. Speaking of New Year’s, I’ve heard of a superstition that you shouldn’t eat chicken on January 1, lest you go backwards all year. You’re supposed to eat pork (or  ham). You see, a chicken scratches backwards when hunting for food; whereas a pig roots forwards!

Happy Riding in 2024!