

October 2023

Not a Bike?

Not a Bike? When is a bike not a bike? That depends on your exact definition. To me, a bike is something that  you can pedal to make yourself move, be it a two-wheeler; an adult trike; or even a unicycle. An indoor exercise bike is in the gray area. You can pedal as fast and hard as you like; but no amount of effort makes you and that thing get anywhere. Your CV system might be getting a terrific workout; but I’d rather have my efforts transfer into forward motion. Hence I came up with the term un-bikes!  Our weather is finally turning into something more like October. It was below 60 degrees this morning; and with a 12 mph wind, it felt quite chilly. And down to 54 tonight! We’re into another spell of dry weather; and who knows how long it will last. We still need rain. This morning I rode in the park, short and easy. I didn’t feel like battling the wind on top of the levee. Incidentally, sometimes I see things up there that are not a bike, such as scooters. Those things can fly; but they don’t have pedals. Neither do roller blades.  Of course I’ll be getting chilly while riding; and that means it’s hot-chocolate time! In recent months, I stocked up on reduced-calorie hot chocolate that I found in the salvage store. I didn’t care how hot the weather was; I knew I would want that stuff come Winter. I’ve got four or five boxes of it; so I should be all set!

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Eclipse I nearly forgot about the eclipse yesterday! We’re outside the areas for the best viewing; and I wasn’t even thinking about it. Then, about 12:15 pm, I went out on an errand. I noticed funny little crescents of light on the sidewalk where the trees’ shadows fell — and then I remembered about the eclipse. When I got back home, I got out two small pieces of paper; and punched a hole in one of them. Then I went back outside to “see” the eclipse. I discovered that I had to turn so that the sun was at my back for my “viewer” to work. I took a pic of the light crescents with my cell phone; but to my great chagrin, I can’t figure out how to download it to my laptop. That’s what comes of my being such a technophobe! Today it’s been mostly clear. I rode nearly 20 miles this morning, fueled by a FitCrunch bar and Biosteel. The wind was rather a hassle, which is only too common. I didn’t try to hurry; I just tried to ride steadily. That’s what the Sunday long ride is supposed to be about, anyway. But I’m still quite  a long way from 40-mile rides! On the way back home, I did get a good tailwind for a bit. Especially in the final mile, I really got moving — and hit 21.73 mph!?

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No More TGIF

No More TGIF This blog/page may contain affiliate links. “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.” There’s no more TGIF, now that I’m retired. It’s such a weird feeling. Friday, heralding the weekend, used to take forever to come. Now I catch myself thinking, It’s Friday already? But today is no ordinary Friday; it’s Friday the Thirteenth. It’s supposed to be unlucky; so I’m wearing my Lucky British Black Cat pin! Actually I was fairly lucky for this morning’s ride. The rain is over for now; and the wind wasn’t bad at all. It was partly cloudy; and a temperature in the low 60s is pretty comfortable. I did wear long sleeves and a vest; leg warmers; and I used a skull cap. It isn’t chilly enough yet for full-fingered gloves, which is fine with me. When I need such gloves for my Sunday long ride, they make it much harder to take a bite of energy bar out of my snack bag. Today I didn’t try any intervals; I just rode. My head feels stuffy again; and that, in turn, makes me feel tired. If I weren’t retired, I’d sure be longing for the time when I could think, No more TGIF. At present I’m not exactly “training” for anything, anyway. The thought of shooting for a century crosses my mind now and then; but I doubt that I can be ready for one by early next month. Then, just before Thanksgiving, I’ve got foot surgery scheduled. It’s not only the bunion; I’ve got bone spurs that make flexing my toes upwards painful. Recovery from the procedure will likely mean a few months off the bike. So no century before next June, probably. And then it might be getting too hot!

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Editor in Chief

This blog/page may contain affiliate links. “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.” I sure feel like Editor in Chief at times; although I certainly don’t plan to deliberately publish fake news. But this website sure keeps me busy editing! In fact, it never ends. Today I focused on the For Kids page. Not to burden you with details, but I ended up creating a product grid; and then editing in the frames so the products are easy to tell apart. I did the same thing for my other product pages, e.g. Grocery. This morning it was still overcast and pretty windy. I decided to use the hybrid because it has fenders; and I rode in the park. Somehow I didn’t feel like fighting the wind on top of the levee. I suspect I’ve got some seasonal allergies going; my head feels stuffy in the mornings. But I can’t let that stop me from playing Editor in Chief. I’ve got too much work to do! I’ve also got to get out my black cat pin for tomorrow. Black cats are good luck in Britain; so I call it my Lucky British Black Cat. The wind should be much less tomorrow, which looks good for a ride. After the ride, back to being Editor in Chief.  

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While I Can

While I Can I had to ride today while I can. The weather outlook for tomorrow is 90% chance of heavy rain; and the wind as high as 20 mph by afternoon. Gusts could reach 35 mph; and I don’t want to be trying to ride in that! Actually, I felt like taking today off; but I knew what might happen if I did. By tomorrow I’d be getting very antsy from the lack of physical activity; and if I couldn’t get out to ride, I’d go crazy. Today I put in a total of six one-minute efforts at riding 15 mph or more. I’ve got to do that at least once a week; and work to lengthen those intervals.  They say, you have to go fast if you want to get fast. It makes sense, really; it’s rather like learning to play a musical instrument. You’ve got to practice if you want to be able to play. This morning I hit a max speed of 17+ mph. It helped that there was almost no wind — unusual for us. But it looks like it’s coming! There’s a weather system in the SW Gulf that they’re watching; and I believe that’s the generator for the wind and rain expected tomorrow. At about 11:30 am I had to go out to run an errand; and the sky was mostly overcast. I’m glad it didn’t rain, because I had my laptop with me. Should I try to go for another, short ride while I can? The hour-by-hour forecast doesn’t show any rain before tonight. On the other hand, I’ve got things to do!

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Fasted Isn’t Fast

Fasted Isn’t Fast Fasted isn’t fast; because you don’t want to bonk! If you want to lose weight and/or become a better fat burner, the occasional “fasted” ride is recommended. These rides, however, need to be at low intensity; and rather short. Even then, you can get very hungry before the end! Once a week, I take medication for osteoporosis. It must be taken on an empty stomach; and you’re not supposed to eat for at least half an hour afterwards; preferably a full  hour. So this morning I took my med; and went for a short, easy ride in the park. I rode little over five miles; and by the time I got home I was feeling bonkish! Therefore fasted isn’t fast. Not that I’m so very fast, anyhow. Even for a fasted ride, take along a GU-Gel or something in case you get too  hungry. I think I might need a day off from riding. I’ve been getting to bed rather late; and I still get up quite early to ride. My mind is still stuck in the eighty-degrees-at-six-am mode! I also have been trying to get in as much time as possible editing this website; and I can’t pedal while editing. But tomorrow I probably need to ride anyway. The weather is apt to turn rainy by day after tomorrow!  

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Ride Anyway

Ride Anyway I went for a ride anyway today, even though I didn’t feel much like it. And guess what? It was a pretty good ride! Overnight it got cool enough for me to don leg warmers; arm warmers; vest (actually, a jacket sans sleeves); and skull cap. Leg warmers Arm warmers Jacket Skull cap Not that it was terribly cold temperature-wise; but 64 degrees is a big change when mornings have been 80 degrees for months. Add a 12 mph wind, and it felt quite chilly. I have no idea what the chill factor was; this calculator is for temperatures 50 and below. Today I tried to focus on maintaining a consistent effort by the sensations I was getting from my legs; let my speed be what it may. Indeed, my average speed was below 11 mph; but that’s OK. There’s nothing wrong with “just riding”. My fuel today was a MET-Rx bar; and I brought along BioSteel as an electrolyte drink. I found it cheap in the salvage store? At that low pace and not quite 20 miles, I didn’t eat the entire MET-Rx bar. Cycling can burn plenty of calories; but I’ve go to to watch that I don’t eat more than I burn! So, to sum up — if you don’t feel much in the mood for riding, ride anyway. You might surprise yourself.

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October Already

October Already?! Gosh, it’s October already? Where did this year go? We don’t get spectacular Fall colors here; so I won’t be going on any leaf-peeping rides. In fact, it still feels very summery! But as it’s October already, it’s time to start considering the Christmas gift list. Got kids? There are options ranging from balance bikes for toddlers; and trailercycles for kids ready to pedal, but not quite ready for independent riding. Older kids may want to take off on their own; and perhaps a Magna Throttle will fit the bill. Naturally there are bikes for adults and seniors, too. For someone who has balance issues, an adult trike is great; or it you don’t need a trike, but need a power boost, an e-bike can be a godsend. Know someone who wants to ride with a partner; but they’re both worried about being unable to stay together? A tandem might make a great joint gift. Then there are accessories, from helmets to pedals to lights. Spider Spoke Lights are more suited to Hallowe’en than Christmas, I would think; but some folks enjoy them any season. A Zukka Bike Handlebar Bag is great for carrying a camera; snacks; and a map when you go out exploring. I can tell it’s October already by how early it gets dark. But it still hasn’t cooled off much. In fact, it’s been so hot and dry that we’ve got a red flag warning! That’s rare for us; and of course it makes me rather uneasy. Not until Sunday night is it expected to get cool — a frigid 58 degrees! Maybe it will finally feel like Fall.

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Laos by Bicycle – Copy

Laos by Bicycle This blog/page may contain affiliate links. “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.” Laos by bicycle would let me become acquainted with an entirely unfamiliar country. I know where it is, but little else. At the time I first though about Laos by bicycle, the COVID-19 pandemic meant that travel was out of the question. My home city then had a 10.4% positivity rate; and I was amazed that the town wasn’t entirely shut down. But, there’s always armchair travel. Or rather, armchair cycle touring! I enjoyed reading this account of crossing Laos on two wheels. I’m like the author prior to her journey: nervous about doing such a ride, especially alone; worried that I might not have the stamina to ride miles per day every day; and how I’ll cope with weather. I also have concerns about coping with the terrain. The country is roughly 70% mountainous. For me, that would be one arduous journey! Laos by bicycle will let you see more than you would via other touring modes; and likely more contact with the people who live there. So — I sound like the proverbial broken record here — brush up on your etiquette. Some things on the list apply to other Asian countries, such as avoiding physical contact with monks. The caution about “unexploded ordinances” wouldn’t have occurred to me. That’s why prospective travelers abroad need to do their homework before leaving home! The climate of Laos is tropical. Between October and April the weather is apt to be warm and dry; and the best time to visit. Dry also sounds good for bicycle touring. Be aware that Laos has no trauma center; and in the event of a serious accident, you’ll have find a way to Thailand for treatment. Lao culture, in general, is quite easy-going. If you opt for cycling adventures there, I hope your trip is easy, too! ABOUT ME I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story. I live in New Orleans; and  retired in January 2023. More time for cycling! Website designed by Cecile Levert © This website is the property of its author. DISCLAIMER I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.   FRESH FROM MY JOURNAL I Traverse Afar? December 18, 2023 I Envy Time December 17, 2023 Holiday Food December 16, 2023 Glad I’m Home December 15, 2023 Load More TRANSLATOR

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The Road Goes On

The Road Goes On “The road goes on, and ever on”; or something like that. Tolkien got that part right. During a long ride, our road sure can seem endless! What can we do to make seemingly endless miles more bearable? First, a proper bike fitting. This admittedly can be costly; but it’s well worth it. Then there’s conditioning. Trying to bang out 100 miles in a day with little or no training is unwise; although supposedly some riders have done it. How they got through those miles, I don’t know. Their legs must have given them agony in the following days! So, you’ve gotten a bike fit; and you’ve been working up to longer and longer rides. What else makes long rides more comfortable? Good bike shorts certainly are far more comfortable than regular shorts with underwear beneath them. Cycling shorts are meant to fit smoothly, and to be worn next to the skin. The other option is apt to mean two layers of fabric bunching up under you. That causes nasty chafing; and the last thing you want after a ride is saddle sores! Chamois Butt’r can help prevent skin irritation, so use it pre-ride; and take some to along so you can freshen up as the road goes on. Don’t forget about fueling during your rides. The best bike fitting; the most comfy bike shorts, can take you only so far. For rides of an hour or less, on-bike eating might not be needed; just have a snack before rolling out. For longer rides, there are many options. I like to try different kinds of bars, such as RXBars. And don’t forget hydration! Even when it’s cold, for rides much over one hour, plain water doesn’t make the grade. I need electrolyte drink, too. They say, once you’ve reached a certain fitness level, you can ride infinitely as long as you have an adequate fuel supply. So let the road go on!

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