

June 2023

Hitting the Bottle

Hitting the Bottle? ? This blog/page may contain affiliate links. “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.” I often feel like I’m hitting the bottle when I’m out for a bicycle ride. I reach for a drink every few minutes; especially in hot weather such as this. When I first started on the road bike, keeping hydrated was quite a problem. My road bike doesn’t have a handlebar-mounted bottle cage; and that means reaching for a bidon on the down tube. Having Gunga Din would have been helpful; but he wasn’t around. In the early stages of road-bike riding, I didn’t need the weight of a Camel-Bak on me; so I needed to figure out the bidon business. And it sure is awkward at the beginning! The first step was to reach down and touch the bottle; and get used to how it felt when I did so. Of course I need to lower my body in order to reach the thing; and when you still aren’t quite sure of your ability to control the bicycle, that’s a bit unnerving. After I practiced that move for a while, I began to pull the bidon part-way out of its cage; then push it back in. At last, I pulled it all the way out; and got myself a drink. After that, the hardest part: putting that bidon back into its cage. Any number of times, I dropped the bidon; and had to stop and pick it up. Or, I’d have to hold the bidon’s nozzle in my teeth while I stopped; and then I could put the bidon back. Even now, after 10+ years of road biking, I still sometimes have days when it’s very difficult to put the bidon back in the holder. It can be especially tricky when there’s a strong wind; especially if it’s a sidewind! I tried once to make a YouTube of this process; but it didn’t work out. I had my camera mounted on a “chesty” ( sort of harness that holds the camera); and all I saw were my pedaling legs! So I’ll have to be content with this blog post on hitting the bottle!

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Trying to Keep Cool

TRYING to Keep Cool! Not for cycling; but it might help you keep cool I’m trying to keep cool, like everybody else here. In fact, I believe that much of the nation is sweltering under unusual heat. Today it was nearly 90 degrees by 9:00 am; and now, in the early afternoon, it’s 92 degrees! The house next door is having work done on the roof; and I feel sorry for the workers who are up there in this blazing sunshine. I bet they’d love to have helmets like this one! The Solar Fan Hard Hat never stops working as long as you’re in the sunlight; and even on an overcast day, the fan runs up to 36 hours. The built-in battery can serve as a portable USB charger; and this hat has Bluetooth answering phone capacity. Can be adjusted to fit different-sized heads. Color: Yellow. $58.89 It would be nice if I could find a bicycle helmet with these characteristics. I sometimes don’t get out to ride until at least 8:00 am; and before I can finish, it’s broiling hot. A fan in my helmet would be great! In conditions like that, plain water doesn’t seem to keep me properly hydrated, even on a rather short ride; and two bottles of water aren’t enough. I have to use my Camel-Bak; and take along electrolyte drink! This morning I put in 15 miles; and if I extend my rides further I’ll have to take along a snack, too. I’m glad I don’t have to go anywhere else today; and so can stay indoors. After all, I’m trying to keep cool!

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Still Broiling

Still Broiling! It’s still broiling here. Most days in the last week and a half, we’ve had heat advisories; and today there’s an excessive heat warning. So we have to find a way to beat the heat. One way is to ride early in the day; but now that I’m retired, that’s less easy than it used to be. If I don’t set my alarm clock, I might not even wake up before 8:00 am; and it could be an hour before I get out on the bicycle. By then, the temperature is already well into the  80s! Today I got going around 7:20 am; and five miles or so from home, I got a flat tire. That’s the second one in less than ten days! I don’t know what’s going on; I use tire liners. Do I need new tires? Luckily another rider helped me; and in fact, to be honest, he did all the work. After I got home and stowed the bike, I walked to the bike shop to buy supplies; namely: two new tubes and four CO2 cartridges. I’m left me wondering whether I would have gotten a flat at all, if I had followed my original plan for this morning: a trip to Whole Foods; and only then a ride. But when I saw how hot it already was shortly past seven o’clock, I decided to ride. Even at night, it’s still broiling. Last night it didn’t get below the mid-80s. It’s going to be a long, hot Summer!

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KaZAM Co-Pilot Bike Trailer

Feature for June 25 A KaZAM Co-Pilot Bike Trailer comes in handy after your child outgrows trailers or over-the-wheel carriers. Your youngster can ride along with you; without worries that the little one will get lost, or be left behind. It has a sturdy, alloy steel frame; and attaches easily to most bicycles that have a seat post. The KaZAM Co-Pilot Bike Trailer has its own saddle; pedals; and handlebars, too. Easy to detach from your bicycle when not needed. Safety flag for improves visibility. Comes with a one-year manufacturer’s warranty. Weight: 29 pounds; can be used by riders up to 75 pounds. Color: Green. $325.63  

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Better with Electrolytes

Better with Electrolytes A ride is better with electrolytes on a hot day — even a short ride! Yesterday I didn’t ride particularly late. I went out about 7:40 am, but I still got very hot; and plain water just wasn’t making the grade. I had the feeling that I would run out of water if I didn’t cut my ride short. The wind was strong enough to be noticeable; but 7 mph isn’t 15 mph! Maybe the blazing sunshine was the problem. I decided that, if I want to extend my weekday morning rides to 15 miles or so, I have to use the Camel-Bak for water; and carry Nuun or Propel. Today, I tried it. I had a doctor’s appointment, and didn’t get out to ride until almost ten o’clock. The temperature and wind speed were comparable to conditions during yesterday morning’s ride; but it was much cloudier. That helped, I’m sure; but this time I had Nuun with me. I felt better than I did during yesterday’s ride; so yes, a jaunt on the bike is better with electrolytes. If I were still riding at 5:15 am, things might be different; but retirement is spoiling me. Without the alarm clock, I might not wake up at all before 7:30 am! Naturally I’m getting out later; but it might be a good idea to try starting at 6:00 am. Then I’ll be home before things really start to heat up. On the other hand, if I have any idea of doing RAGBRAI next year, I must get acclimated to riding in the heat. The only way to get that conditioning is to ride in the heat!? But keep in mind: it’s better with electrolytes!

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Ever Play a Kazoo

Ever Play a Kazoo? Did you ever play a kazoo? It’s an odd “horn” — you hum into it, instead of blowing it. I couldn’t help thinking of it when I came across the Kazoo Bicycle Trailercycle. This particular trailer lets a child four to ten years old; and up to 85 pounds, ride along behind you. It tracks very well; and helps the child get the hang of balancing. Frame is lightweight aluminum; and uses Burley‘s patented hitch system. Wheel is 20 inches in diameter; saddle and handlebars can be adjusted to fit the rider. Safety flag included. $379.95 I’m sure that, at some point, a young kid will become impatient with being hauled around in a trailer. But if your young child wants to ride with you, how will s/he keep up? With a product such as this one, you can keep pedaling even after the child tires; and with no worries that you’ll be separated from the child. Maybe this will even be good practice for a future tandem rider? Did you ever play a kazoo? This is one way to do it!    

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Tired of Waiting

Tired of Waiting I’m tired of waiting for it to rain. The forecasts keep saying 40% chance; even 100% chance of T-storms; and it it’s going to storm, I wish it would do so. Last night, my phone rang with a severe T-storm warning around 10:00 pm; but this morning it didn’t look like it had rained. A neighbor said it did rain early this morning, though. Today there was yet another heat advisory, starting at 11:00m am. I didn’t get out on the bicycle until almost nine o’clock; and I decided to go ride in the park, where I could get some shade. I also wanted to be fairly close to home, in case the weather got bad. I could see that it had rained in the park. It’s a funny thing about rain — one location doesn’t get a drop; and a mile away it rains hard. There were a number of wet spots on the bike path in the park. After three laps, I decided to go back home. Even in the park, there was a sign about the heat advisory; and I needed to get some laundry done, anyway. On top of that, I was starting to feel hollow. So here it is, 2:00 pm; and the storm still hasn’t broken out. I’m tired of waiting.  

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I Love Tailwinds

I Love Tailwinds! I love tailwinds! What cyclist doesn’t? During yesterday’s ride, I got a good breeze behind me on the way home; and for four or five seconds was cruising at 20+ mph! For me, that’s very fast. That’s why I love tailwinds. Today was different. I rode to the salvage store; and the wind was pesky. Tomorrow looks like more of the same; and I’d better ride early in the day. The afternoon heat index might reach 111 degrees! That’s when I’m glad to be indoors, with the air conditioner running; and an icy cola to drink. Gosh, I’m getting soft. I grew up in this hot, humid climate with no A/C; and now I’d be hard-pressed to do without it. My distance this morning was extended by a few miles. Almost two miles into the ride to the salvage store, I remembered that I didn’t have my wallet with me; and I had to go back home to fetch it. What a nuisance that was! In addition, if I had been one minute later, I would have had to wait for a freight train! I was glad that I beat it to the crossing; but I didn’t escape the blast from its horn. Talk about LOUD!!  Back home I ate an early lunch; then after another short errand I could get to editing my website. It still needs a lot of work. In fact, I don’t think it will ever end. If I’ve learned only one thing about keeping a website, it’s that a website is a work in progress. Creating a menu bar, aka nav bar, isn’t complicated in itself; but when I have to create new pages to link to the menu it gets very time-consuming! After several hours of such intense mental focus, I feel like a zombie. I wish there were some kind of tailwind that could speed up the process; but there isn’t. I hope I’ll get a tailwind at least part of the time during tomorrow’s ride. Then I’ll have an energy boost for further editing work when I get home.    

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Pickle Power

Pickle Power Turn to pickle power on a hot day! Today our heat index reached 105; and similar conditions are forecast for tomorrow. I’m glad I didn’t have to ride in that heat, but if you can’t avoid it; and feel too sweated-out as a result; Pickle Ice can replenish some of those lost electrolytes. It can help you to cool off, too.  I’ve had dill pickle juice during Tours de Cure; and after an hour’s riding in the heat, it sure tastes good! That’s pickle power for you! Of course, pickle juice isn’t everybody’s thing. If you want electrolyte replenishment, Skratch Labs makes a hydration mix; and some people like Gatorade. I myself go for Nuun or Propel. I hope I can get out early tomorrow, and put in some miles before the heat gets bad. I have a late-morning appointment, though; and that might be tough. I’m debating whether to ride; or to walk. Whichever method I use, pickle power ought to be great afterwards!  

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Powder Power

Powder Power! Powder Power is what you get with Propel Powder Packets. These are easy to carry in a jersey pocket or top-tube pouch; and provide electrolytes plus vitamins. They’re also sugar-free! Just pour the contents of a packet into 16.9 oz of water; mix; and you’re good to go. This variety pack includes three flavors: Black Cherry; Watermelon; and Grape. Five boxes of 10 packets each. $19.99 It’s been a while since I’ve had these. I found them at the salvage store a time or two; but lately all I can find are pre-mixed bottles of the drink. Yesterday I found Black Cherry and Kiwi Strawberry. But Propel Powder Packets are easier to pack along than a even a tube of electrolyte drink tablets. As for an actual bottle full of liquid added to my Camel-Bak … a few packets of powder are far preferable. Let’s hear it for Powder Power!

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