

August 2022


Incredibell I love my Incredibell. The hybrid has one; and I wish I could put one on the road bike. Unfortunately the handlebar tape makes those handlebars too big for the Incredibell’s fastening band. But something the bell does not do is let me ride upside down! This bell has a bright, clear tone; and its non-rusting alloy composition is a plus. That’s especially true if you live in a humid climate. On top of that, our average annual rainfall is five feet.  Sometimes it seems like I’m in a diving bell! In fact, I might want just such an apparatus tomorrow. It’s another stormy forecast; and in fact, it rained pretty hard for a while this morning. Saturday morning is looking OK; and so is Sunday. I think I’ll forgo the trip to the salvage store and hit the regular supermarket. I’m about out of apples; and I need bananas. I’ll sure miss raiding the grab-bag bins; but I’ve got to get back to a more healthful diet!  Going to the supermarket is a round trip of six miles at most; and maybe I’ll take a short ride on the road bike afterwards.  Maybe. My legs have been feeling tired; and I might need a bit of a break. Oddly, walking makes me notice the fatigue more than riding does! I seem to be developing what they call “cyclist’s shuffle”. I sure don’t need to work up burnout now. Cycle September begins in two weeks; and I want to make a strong showing! I’ll see what the weather is doing tomorrow morning; and take it from there.

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Cell Phone Woes

Cell Phone Woes I’ve sure got cell phone woes tonight. Why do I forget about being sure my phone is properly charged — right when I’m expecting an important call? First, I saw that the expected call was several minutes late. Then I saw something on the phone’s screen that said emergency calls only. I checked “Settings”; and the phone had only 17% charge left! Of course I plugged the thing in immediately; but now I don’t know whether I’ll get that call or not.  On top of that, maybe I forgot to inform the other party that I no longer have my landline! I might have to reschedule this call. I hope no such cell phone woes strike when I’m on a long Sunday ride. It would be bad news if I was caught 20 miles from home; and had no way to call for help in an emergency. Twenty miles is a long, LONG way to walk if I have a flat tire that I can’t fix. There are also areas where cell phone reception is spotty; or even non-existent. When you’re used to whipping out that phone at any moment, it’s hard to not have it! So if you’re keen for long cycling tours in out-of-the-way places don’t forget to consider that. It’s a long time since I’ve even done a century; so a bicycle tour in said faraway places is way beyond me. With my problematic hands, I can’t even fix a flat. So I’d better stick closer to where I can get help if I need it!

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Tommaso Endurance Road Bike

Tommaso Endurance Road Bike This Tommaso Endurance Road Bike is built to last; and it’s also built for comfort on long rides. It has a lightweight aluminum frame; plus aluminum wheels for affordable performance. Components are by Shimano; and the compact frame geometry lets you assume a more relaxed riding position. There are 24 gears, for a wide range of riding conditions. The frame has a lifetime warranty. Color available are black; white; and burnt orange. When I bought my road bike, I was unaware of the existence of  Tommaso bikes. If I had known, I might have looked for one of them. They certainly cost much less than the bike that I did buy. On the other hand, my road bike still seems to be going strong at ten years old. “Scottie” has a carbon fiber frame; but that’s not why I chose the Scott. I tried several road bikes at the shop; but at the time I had absolutely no experience with road bikes. That made it impossible for me to be really discerning. It’s probably fair to say that I happened to manage the Scott best by sheer chance. I see that the Tommaso Endurance Road Bike has rather sparse spoking on its wheels. I guess that’s typical for road bikes; because my own road bike has similar wheels. But they ought to hold up as long as I don’t try any technical off-road riding!

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Keep Oriented

Keep Oriented! Keep oriented with this StemCAPtain compass! I first got one some years ago, so I could watch my direction. If I could know my bearing, I’d know when I was about to turn into a headwind; and be ready to increase my effort level. But I don’t need a compass to tell me that I usually have headwinds on the way home! Over the  years, I’ve gone through three or four of these compasses. Once the thing somehow detached from my handlebars when I hit a bump; and I didn’t notice it right away. Of course I couldn’t find the compass; and had to buy another one. Another thing I’ve noticed is that the clear housing yellows over time. Then the compass is hard to read when I’m riding in the dark; even with my headlight. The liquid (water?) inside also seems to evaporate eventually. I’m so used to having that compass there that I want to have it; even though I don’t always look at it. My Garmin‘s screen gets a lot more of my attention these days! It sure did during today’s ride. My planned 40 miles became 42.8 because I was forced to add detours to both ends of it. There was a long string of railroad cars blocking my crossing; and I had to make quite a detour to get to the bike path. Some four hours later, those cars were still sitting there! I had to make another detour to get back home. Today I was lucky with the wind. It was calm for most of my ride! I watched the sky go from mostly clear to thin, high clouds; and then to big cumulus clouds. By the time I got home, the clouds looked like there might be a T-storm in the making. All the same, I rode over to the neighborhood Chinese restaurant to get take-out for lunch. Do you think that will help me to stay oriented?

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Reprieve We’re finally getting a reprieve from the rain. Today there was a brief drizzle about midday; but that was it. The huge puddles of water in nearby streets dried up! Of course the ground is still damp; but at least I can see the ground when I must ride through those places. Today I rode to the salvage store. I found more things to use for ride food; and a large canister of rolled oats. Can you believe I bought only ONE can of food? It’s some kind of chicken and wild rice soup. Then I got rid of three cans by combining one can of turkey chili; a can of pinto beans; and an 8-oz can of tomato sauce. I added chopped onions; and that was it. Quick and easy; and it tastes good, too! It looks like I’ll  have good weather for tomorrow’s long ride, although it will be hot. A reprieve from the heat would be nice! I already put Nuun in the fridge to chill; and I mixed my recovery drink. I’m thinking of doing 40 miles or so. I’ve got my Love to Ride goal in mind! I’m aware of a mental shift since I hit 3500 miles a few days ago. Prior to that, I was watching the miles add up. Now my focus is on watching the remaining miles melt away. Except for that system off the Texas coast, the tropics are still quiet. It’s great to get a reprieve from hurricanes; especially after last year’s hyperactive season. Long may it last!  

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Barn Door

Barn Door I’m smelling the barn door, as the saying goes. My Love to Ride mileage goal for 2022 is 5000 miles by December 30. Today I rolled up to 3500 miles; so barring a major catastrophe, I should be able to finish quite easily! You know how you begin to feel excited when you see that you’re nearing a goal? You get that “downhill all the way” feeling; and the urge to complete your project as quickly as possible. That’s how I feel now. But I know I can’t manage 1500 miles in a few weeks; and I have four months to do it. Plus a few days! The weather this week hasn’t helped. Yesterday morning I rode in a heavy downpour. The threat of more rain prompted me to keep it short today; and the clouds meant I couldn’t see the full moon! So much rain means I have to ride through big pools of water. Road conditions are apt to be wet and muddy. The hybrid has fenders; so I’ve used the hybrid for the last two morning rides. I sure miss riding the road bike! Maddening though all this rain is, we can breathe a sigh of relief that the tropics continue to be quiet. It’s a stark contrast to last year, when hurricanes cropped up one after another. A hurricane might mean major disruption to my cycling; and possibly derail my mileage goal! Some poor folks are still reeling from the effect of last year’s storms; so we don’t need any more of them! I’m thinking about this weekend’s riding; smelling the barn door again! It looks like rain chances Saturday are mostly for afternoon; but for Sunday it’s a flip of the coin. Saturday, of course, I want to head for the salvage store; and I want to do a long ride Sunday. Rain chances that day are 50-50; so who knows which way it will go. If it does rain, I just hope I’ll be back at the barn when it starts.

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Rain Gear

Rain Gear Which cog is my rain gear? I know. Bad joke. But I sure needed rain gear this morning! I decided to ride the hybrid  because of wet, muddy conditions. We had heavy rain yesterday; and things take quite a while to dry out. When I went outside, it was sprinkling a little; so I put on the poncho. I didn’t pull the hood over my head, because it makes me hotter; but I wanted to be able to get that hood on quickly if it really began to rain. I headed for the park; and sure enough, before I could get there, I needed to stop and put the hood on. In a few minutes it was raining heavily. The biking/walking path in the park is paved; and I’m glad it is. Otherwise it would have been an absolute bog. As it was, there were huge pools of water everywhere; and my glasses were so wet, I could hardly see where I was going. Between the visibility problems and the rain, I made it a short ride. I was thankful that there wasn’t any lightning; and I’m glad it was a bit cooler than usual. It gets hot under plastic! The trouble with a poncho is that it “rides” up; and that means I get wetter. Ponchos are also prone to flapping; and I wear my reflective vest over the poncho to keep it under better control. On the other hand, a poncho is pretty well ventilated. I suspect that a rain suit is too good at keeping heat in; and if the weather is warm, wouldn’t I get drenched with sweat? I guess the rain suit is better for cold weather; but I won’t get to try it until October or November – maybe not until December! All the same, I know Fall is coming. Yesterday morning it was pretty clear when I rode; and I spotted Orion in the sky. That’s a dead giveaway.

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Israel Did you ever think about a bicycle ride through Israel? It seems that the country is a good place for cycling. The Negev includes trails both for experienced riders; and for families who want to ride together. There’s some great scenery along the way, too! Cycling is popular in the city of Tel Aviv; and there are many routes in various parts of the country. Helmets are required by law; and be sure you carry an ample supply of water. Spring and Fall are the best times to visit Israel. Temperatures during the Summer can rise to 50 C (122 F); and I, for one, think that’s much too hot! As with any trip abroad, advance planning is important. I’m rather surprised to see that, in Israel — or at any rate, in Tel Aviv — cyclists must ride on the sidewalk! But I’m not at all surprised that one should avoid discussing politics and religion. Avoid the Gaza Strip. Aside from this conflicted area, the county in general is fairly safe. You can travel by train between major cities; but it sounds like it’s worthwhile to learn a few phrases in Hebrew! A good bus system lets you travel between smaller cities; and to more out-of-the-way locations.  For the religiously inclined, Israel had much to offer: the holy sites in Jerusalem; and places that Jesus would have known. The Dead Sea sounds like fun — float with no effort —  but I don’t think I want to have its waters splash me in the eyes. Many years ago, we visited Utah’s Great Salt Lake. Of course we went “swimming”; and if that water got into my eyes, it sure burned!     

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Stabilizer Wheel Kit

Stabilizer Wheel Kit This Stabilizer Wheel Kit can be a great help to riders who have balance issues; but who don’t want an adult trike. A physical impairment doesn’t have to mean missing the joys of cycling! This set-up had an advantage over an adult trike: it can fit through most doorways. The adult trike that I had could not; and I had to leave the poor thing outdoors. The Stabilizer Wheel Kit is easy to install; however, installation by a qualified dealer is recommended. This stabilizer is strong; and fits most bikes with 24″-27″/61cm-68.6 cm tires. I never thought of using one of these while I was getting the hang of two wheels. To me, “training wheels” would have meant a longer learning curve! But if I need balance assistance later in life, this is something to keep in mind. There are some possible drawbacks, though. It looks to me as if this stabilizer leaves no space for panniers; and that’s bad news for me. I need those “saddle bags” when  it’s time to bring home the groceries. I’m also not sure that  the tongue of a trailer can fit around the stabilizer. I need that trailer when it’ s big-load time! Adding this stabilizer to a bike that you already have might be more cost-effective than buying a trike. In these days of inflation, that’s definitely worth considering! 

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Shortchanged It’s easy to let some things get shortchanged. In my eagerness to work towards my Love to Ride mileage goal, I too often neglect cooking. Heavy work on this web site hasn’t helped! Sunday is normally long-ride day; but today I decided to skip it and head for the supermarket. The salvage store had little in the way of produce yesterday; and I needed bananas; onions; and other items. When I go out for a 40-mile ride, I often don’t get much else done when I get back home. It’s usually late morning by then; and of course I’m tired. I don’t feel like rushing around the kitchen. Cooking projects can be time-consuming, too; and today I really needed to take the time to cook! My project this morning was Pink North; a new Hoppin’ John variation. I used canned beans and canned tomatoes for it; so that’s three fewer cans taking up space. I also concocted a garbage soup; and that got rid of three more cans. I’ve got to be sure I keep a supply of canned goods in case a hurricane heads our way; but I have so much that I don’t think I’ll run out soon. Cycling is a great way to develop and maintain fitness; but it’s only part of fitness. Proper nutrition is a big part of the picture; and I’ve let nutrition get badly shortchanged for the last five months or so. I’m due to have my A1c levels checked next month; and I fear the results will not be good! I’ve been trying to get back into proper meal planning; but it’s not easy! And it’s already Sunday evening; time to get ready for another work week. That means less time for meal planning!

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