

July 2022

Eye on the Sky

Eye on the Sky Today I had my eye on the sky. The forecast said, T-storms were possible from late morning; and at 6:25 am, there were already big thunderheads to the South and West. Those clouds seemed to grow and grow; and I was a bit anxious about that. I was worried that things might turn stormy before I got back home; and turned back a mile or so early. I had a bit more headwind coming home than I did during last Sunday’s long ride; and my average speed was only 11.45 mph. The heat was getting to me, too. It was only during the last 5 miles or so that the clouds began to move over the sun part of the time. On a day like this, that’s a welcome relief! My distance wasn’t bad: 40.9 miles. As to my pace, I think I need to get back to force development exercises — or else haul out Get Fast! again. Racing isn’t on my radar; but most of us cyclists want to get faster, don’t we? Since I got  home, I’m debating whether to ride over to the drug store. I’ve still got my eye on the sky; and the rain hasn’t begun. There was a brief drizzle around noon; but you never know when it might begin to pour. I have some prescription refills that I need to take care of; and it’s a big nuisance to do that after work. In the long run, it will be easier to do it now. At  the same time, I’m tired; and I don’t really feel like going out. I also need to clean up the kitchen — same old story.

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Good Trip

Good Trip I had a good trip to the salvage store today! This time the grab-bag bins were piled quite high; and I found three FitCrunch bars! I also found packets of peanuts; and I got a few candy bars as well. Elsewhere in the store, I found some things that will make good ride food; and I got almond milk, too. Since I had the trailer, I bought a 12-roll pack of bath tissue. Why not get it while I can? Of course that was a bulky item; but really, I had quite a small load. That was helpful during the trip back home; and the wind wasn’t bad; so it was a good trip on the whole. As I rode, I watched big thunderheads that were off   towards the West and South. I knew that we might get rain and T-storms by early afternoon; and it looked like somebody was already getting it! About twenty minutes after I got home, the sun began to dodge in and out of the clouds. Around noon, I began to hear thunder. I had thought of riding over to the drug store; but if a T-storm was moving in, it was better to stay home. After I got my loot home from the salvage store, I sat down to the usual: figure out how much I saved over buying that stuff at regular stores. Sometimes I come up with figures that I can’t quite believe; but then again, protein bars are expensive. FitCrunch bars normally cost over $2.00 apiece; and today I got three at about sixteen cents each! Things like that add up fast. That’s why I keep going to the salvage store. I need the ride; and I love the savings!

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School Again

School Again It’s almost time for school again already! It always comes too soon, doesn’t it? It sure did when I was a kid! If there’s a safe place to ride, how about letting the kids get to school under pedal power? When I was a kid, there was absolutely no way we could safely do that. We had several miles to go; and part of the route was a rather narrow, two-way road with ditches on both sides; and no shoulders! Add heavy traffic; and such a ride, if possible at all, would have been terrifying! I wish now we could have walked; or ridden bicycles. This Huffy sounds like it can take a lot of hard use. The drawback is, I’m not sure it could be equipped with fenders and a luggage rack. Books and other supplies might have to be carried in a backpack. That can amount to quite a heavy load! The Huffy is also a one-speed. If the route includes any hills, the lack of extra gears will make the trip harder.   But we hear about how important physical activity is for anyone; and on the way home, the ride can let a child “blow off” some of the stresses of the day. If there’s some fun in getting there and back home, school again might be a bit easier. Oh, and don’t forget the helmet!

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Things I’ve Seen

Things I’ve Seen The things I’ve seen while riding my bicycle! Many, if not most, are quite mundane things. This week’s sighting was most unusual. Day before yesterday I was out on the road bike; and about three miles from home I saw something by the bike path. At first I thought it was a young opossum; and then I saw that it was partly white. So then I thought it was a very small dog; and I was relieved that it didn’t chase me. Some dogs do, snarling and growling; and it’s quite unnerving. I didn’t think more of it until yesterday morning. On the way back home, in about that same spot, I saw two people who were apparently taking pictures. As I rolled past, I saw amber eyes glowing; and guess what the critter was? A lop-eared rabbit! I’ve seen cottontail rabbits; but this was totally unexpected. I fear that it was a former pet that somebody got tired of. If that’s the case, I hope the bunny gets a new home.  Oh, the things I’ve seen! I think it would be interesting to go on a bicycle tour; and see something really new. I have yet to view mountains from the saddle of a bicycle; and if I can take the climbing, a leaf-peeping Fall trip to Vermont might be fun. Who hasn’t seen photos of the state’s blazing Fall colors? Imagine rolling through such beauty!    

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looby loo

Looby Loo? Here We Go Looby Loo came to mind when I thought about lubing my hybrid bike’s chain. I played that game when I was a child; but hadn’t thought about it in ages. After three days of mid-day downpours, a bicycle’s chain needs an oil job. On the other hand, why bother if it’s going to rain again the next day? More showers and T-storms are predicted for tomorrow, especially in the afternoon. Today it rained so hard that we got a flash flood warning! And poor St. Louis really got clobbered! If I decide to go “looby loo” tonight, maybe I’ll walk to work tomorrow. I’m getting rather tired of having my bicycle rained on; and of worrying that I’ll have to ride home in a deluge. The bicycle needs a good general cleaning, anyway.  I’ve been lucky lately with the weather for my early-morning rides. Yesterday it was mostly clear when I rode; and I saw the  old crescent moon. The dark part of the moon was visible; and one of the planets was close by. Venus, maybe. Today the moon was too low in the sky; and/or there were too many clouds. I had to make it rather short this morning. Some days I’m too sleepy to get going in time; and then I get aggravated with myself. I’m also annoyed with myself about my eating habits of late. I really need to get back on track!  It’s hard to eat a really good breakfast when I’m just home from an hour’s riding; have to get ready to go to work; and my appetite is suppressed from the exercise! It’s hard to pack enough food to carry along, too. I sure miss working from home; and want more than ever to retire.

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Fantasycart Unicycle

Fantasycart Unicycle Fantasycart Unicycle sounds like a great vehicle for the adventurous. I’m not sure I want to try one; but if I were younger, maybe I would. And supposedly it’s not that difficult to learn! One-wheelers make me think of clowns. I don’t have any aspirations to become a clown; so maybe I’ll forget about unicycles. Actually, though, a “uni” has an advantage or two over a bicycle. If you store your “rides” indoors, the Fantasy Unicycle takes up less space than a regular bike. The same thing goes for parking if you ride the uni anywhere. Who knows — you might get away with carrying it into the store with you! Does having a load on your back make balancing on a unicycle harder? More specifically, will that load pull  you backwards? The uni doesn’t seem to have much room for a water bottle holder.  The seat tube looks like the only possible spot. And then you’d have to almost stand on your head to get the water bottle. I’m not sure I can do that and not lose my balance! Moreover, can this uni coast; or does the wheel stop if you stop pedaling? Thus a Camel-Bak seems like the only option for hydration if you want to ride far; but I don’t think this model is actually intended for long-distance rides. But even in cold weather, don’t skimp on hydration! That means learning to ride on one wheel with that load on your back. I’ve seen very few unicycle riders; and at my age, I’m disinclined to try. But as I said, if I were younger, maybe I’d go for it.

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Pakistan I wonder what cycling in Pakistan is like. It’s so easy to focus on packaged bicycle tours. Then the country’s real cycling culture gets pushed aside. Women in the country, a conservative society, face obstacles when it comes to cycling. But they have to have a way to get places (the market; school; etc.); and suppose the way is too long to make walking practical? And must they miss the joys of cycling because of societal restrictions? They’re just like anyone else: they need exercise; and a way to have fun. On the other hand, this account makes it seem just fine for a woman to be a cyclist in Pakistan. Maybe it makes a difference whether a female on a bicycle is the the city, or the countryside. It might also be different for visitors to the nation. If you want to take a bicycle tour of Pakistan, there are some options. The Deosai tour is great for MTB enthusiasts. The Old Silk Route is a challenging one. It begins to sound like a flatlander like me would have a very hard time cycling in Pakistan! At present, October 2023, the country is at Level 3 Travel Advisory; so I can’t in good conscience suggest going there. It’s a pity; it looks like a beautiful place.  How about the climate? That varies quite a lot according to topography. Some parts of the country are dry and hot; and as you gain in altitude, it gets cooler. Most areas get little rain; so maybe you can leave the poncho at home!  ABOUT ME I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story. I live in New Orleans; and  retired in January 2023. More time for cycling! Website designed by Cecile Levert © This website is the property of its author. DISCLAIMER I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.   FRESH FROM MY JOURNAL Relearning December 19, 2023 I Traverse Afar? December 18, 2023 I Envy Time December 17, 2023 Holiday Food December 16, 2023 Load More TRANSLATOR

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Stroopwafels for Riding

Stroopwafels for Riding Today I tried Stroopwafels for riding. I had the caramel variety; and though they taste good, they’re really too low in protein for ride food. So I took along some other food in case I needed it. Honey Stinger Chews rounded out the menu very nicely. A great advantage to Stroopwafels is that they don’t have a chocolate coating. This means that they’re much neater on a hot day. I do get tired of ride food that leaves smears of chocolate on my fingers! Stroopwafels are also very high in carbs; and not the good kind. When I eat stuff like that on the bike, I need to balance it with foods such as cauliflower. So now I’ve got to chop cauliflower for supper. This morning I put in 42.50 miles; and it was great to  have little or no wind! As I did last Sunday, I watched the clouds building up on the way home. Around 12:15 pm, I began to hear thunder; and I was glad I wasn’t out. Today I think I was flirting with dehydration. My post-long ride weight is usually least a pound more than my pre-long ride weight. This time, I gained only two-tenths of a pound; and I drank about three liters of water during my ride. Plus electrolyte drink! I guess I sweated it all out.  I don’t think I needed to eat more. Taking in 900 calories when I burned off 1180 calories seems reasonable. I’m not like a Tour de France rider, who might burn 5000 calories in a single stage. That reminds me — I haven’t looked at todays TdF pics yet!

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Rainbow at Morning

Rainbow at Morning Today I saw a rainbow at morning! For a few minutes, it was quite bright; then it faded. But the saying goes, “Rainbow at morning, sailor take warning.” T-storms are predicted for this afternoon; and I’m glad I don’t have any more errands to run. In fact, right about noon, I began to hear thunder. Yesterday some parts of the city got torrential rain; as much as three inches in about 90 minutes. I guess I got lucky! I had to abandon my plan to go to the salvage store. Yesterday I got a call from the management office of this place I rent. They don’t have copies of the door keys (!); and wanted me to get some. Walmart has a key-copying counter; so I went to Walmart. I could have ridden to the salvage store from there; but I needed apples, bananas, and so on. I knew Walmart would have those things; so I got them there. Guess what else I got? Clothespins! They’re great for clipping shut bags of frozen fruit (or whatever); and a pack of 24 cost less than three bucks. They work just as well as those “clip chips” that cost a lot more; clothespins are probably more durable. I rather hope I won’t see a rainbow at morning tomorrow. I want to do a long ride; and T-storms cracking overhead won’t help! The rain would soak my ride food, too. What shall I take along for ride food? Stroopwafels?  Honey Stinger Chews? I’ll figure it out.

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Wet Start

Wet Start I got a wet start to my weekend. About 45 minutes before I left work, I looked outside; and the sky was full of a looming, black cloud. Oh, great, I thought: will I have to ride home through a downpour? As it turned out, not really. When I left work, it was raining; but not hard. All the same, it was more than a faint drizzle; and I put on the poncho. The thunder wasn’t very close; but it was quite continuous. As I was unlocking my bicycle from the rack, I saw one or two flashes of lightning that were unnervingly bright. Surprisingly, they weren’t especially close. I wanted to take my usual route home, and get in a few miles. Last night I forgot to set my alarm; and I didn’t wake up until too late to go for riding. But the weather as I left work made me decide for the shorter route home. There was no telling how quickly really nasty weather might arrive!  I guess the kind of rain I got was what a bicycle trunk is meant for. When I have to ride through a heavy downpour, those zippers leak. I never know when it might happen; so I put everything in plastic bags.  I hope I don’t get a wet start tomorrow. Running errands isn’t fun when it’s pouring. It looks like T-storms won’t threaten until late morning; so maybe I’ll be OK!

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