

March 2021

Change of Seasons

It\’s the change of seasons; I can really see it. I no longer finish my morning rides in pitch darkness; and in fact I now need to put sunblock on my face before I set out. It just won\’t do to get sunburned in March! Or any season, for that matter. Of course that will end temporarily when we switch to Daylight time. I\’ll be getting back home in the dark again! But it won\’t last long. The river has begun to rise. No alligator sightings so far; but I might see those glowing, amber/orange eyes any day now. We\’re feeling the change of seasons in our weather, too. The Big Freeze is fading into the past; and it\’s starting to feel more like Spring. We aren\’t in the clear yet, though. Saturday and Sunday nights it will get down to 47 degrees; but it looks like I might soon be able to put the warming packs away for next Winter. We might get rain tonight; but tomorrow it\’s supposed to be clear. That\’s good news for the trip to the salvage store. I hope I find refried beans this time; and hummus. Sunday should be clear, too; and I aim to get in about 30 miles. Wind from the NE, though, at 10-15 mph. Headwind on the way back home, as usual. Today I changed tactics a bit; and did some \”light in the saddle\” efforts. Earlier this week my legs didn\’t seem to be \”there\”, and I didn\’t push it. I still need a simple name for this riding technique; and maybe I\’ll call it \”unclimbing\”. I\’m using climbing technique; but I\’m not climbing!

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Cheating doesn\’t always involve a broken heart. I\’ve been cheating on my diet — again. Planning my meals; and adding up the calories and carbs, somehow leaves me short. Trying not to overshoot the carb count can make it difficult to get in enough calories; and I suppose that\’s why I broke down today and got a pint of ice cream! The nutritionist and nurse practitioner both said to work at getting in more lean protein; but lean protein can be quite high in carbs if it means grains and legumes. I also need to watch the cholesterol; so I want to go easy on meat, poultry, cheese, and eggs. The kind of carbs I eat matters, of course. Complex carbs, the kind found in whole grains and legumes, are a different matter from the simple carbs of candy and other sweets; and if I keep cheating the way I have been, I fear that my A1c levels aren\’t going to go down! This week I\’ve been experimenting with having a protein drink in the morning; sometimes before my ride, and sometimes afterwards. I thought the \”protein jolt\” might help keep me from getting hungry so quickly; but it doesn\’t. Is my body fighting the weight loss of the past year? They say that, when you lose weight, the body wants to get back to its pre-loss weight. I must work to keep that from happening; and continuing to ride should be a good way to do it! Incidentally, I need to get in a good ride tomorrow morning. Yesterday I felt strangely lethargic; and today I managed only a short ride. I got started late; and on top of that, I wanted to go to the supermarket. Gee, I\’m cheating myself out of my rides!

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Mush Again!

My legs felt like mush again this morning. Sometimes they just do, and I don’t always know why. It\’s part of being a cyclist, I suppose. I didn\’t do a long or tough workout yesterday morning. I felt unaccountably sleepy on the bike this morning, too; and my lethargy resulted in a ride less than eight miles long. It’s just one of those days, I guess. You know those rides when you seem to have a headwind both going out and coming back home? That was the case this morning; and I didn\’t seem to have the energy to work hard against it. I had a good tailwind only for the last mile before the end. At least it wasn\’t raining today; and the temperature was in the mid-40s. That\’s relatively bearable after the late-February cold snap. The wind chill during those miserable days was often well below freezing! I also had to keep a careful eye on the time, because I had a COVID test scheduled for 8 am. After that, I had to go to work. Tomorrow I work from home; and that means I\’ll have time to ride to the supermarket before I clock in. It will be another chilly morning, and I\’ll have to wear several layers. Maybe I\’ll skip the road bike. I can put the panniers and trunk on the hybrid; ride some laps around the park; and then head for the store. This one opens at 6 am, so I\’ll be able to get home in plenty of time. My legs continued to feel tired all day today, so I think I better take it easy tomorrow. I don\’t want my poor limbs to feel like mush again.

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Getting Cold Feet

Getting Cold Feet   This morning the temperature was 58-59 degrees; and it was raining. Not a heavy downpour, but more than a light sprinkle. I decided to poncho up; and I rode some laps around the local park with the hybrid. Of course my feet eventually became pretty damp; and then they began to feel chilled. I didn’t use warming packs today; and my hands got pretty cold, too. Lobster gloves would have been useful! I might have done one more lap, but decided that hands getting cold meant I’d better head for home. During the last mile on the way home, I had a headwind; and there were some strong gusts that had me shifting down to my granny gear. All in all, this was the kind of ride that makes me feel like a sissy; especially when I see joggers out there in shorts and T-shirts! I decided to walk to work. It’s a nuisance trying to lock up a bike to a rack when it’s raining. When it’s cold as well, I’ll not only be getting cold feet; my hands will get too cold. Managing those locks and keys is awkward when I’m wearing heavy gloves. Before 8 am, the temp had dropped to 49. It continued to rain on and off all day; and when I left work it was still gloomy. I’m glad the rain was very light then, because the wind was rather strong; and there were some gusts that made my umbrella hard to control. It’s a relief to be at home and in front of the electric heater. Now I can dry out and put on dry socks. I don’t like getting cold feet.

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The Inevitable?

It\’s the inevitable. The National Hurricane Center is considering extending official hurricane season. I\’m not surprised. Hurricane season has long begun officially on June 1, but tropical storms before that date are no longer unusual; and many a hurricane season in recent years has seemed like hurricane season on steroids. The possibility of tropical storms is one of the reasons why I keep hitting the salvage store to stock up on non-perishables, even when I already have plenty. The time to get ready for hurricane season is before the official season even begins. Semper paratus, as the Coast Guard says. Early storms again this year won\’t surprise me. It\’s gotten too warm for the season again; and that\’s not so good. I complain about being cold; but come on, March has barely begun! I checked the weather just before I left work this afternoon, and it said 77 degrees. A few steps outside the building, and I knew it was cooler than that! The wind was pretty strong, and it\’s cooling off fast. Things don\’t look so favorable for tomorrow morning\’s ride. Low of 55 degrees tonight, which is more seasonable; but 30% chance of rain tomorrow. And I just lubed the road bike\’s chain! I\’ll see how things are; and if it\’s raining I can wear the poncho and ride the hybrid. Then I must be sure to lube the hybrid\’s chain; it needs it, anyway. And if I get wet? Well, it\’s the inevitable.

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