

August 2018

Don\’t Forget!

Don\’t forget! Tomorrow begins Cycle September; so I\’d better be sure I don\’t wear myself out tonight like this fellow. The forecast for the next few days is full of rain and T-storms. I hardly need say that I\’m none too pleased about that! We\’ve already had heavy downpours two days in a row. I hope the weather doesn\’t force me to \”ride\” inside. \”Riding\” on an indoor trainer/spinning bike doesn\’t count towards Cycle September miles, as far as I know. It didn\’t count during previous challenges; so I assume that it still holds. If want my miles to count, I have to go for real rides. I don\’t like riding in the rain. That\’s partly because of reduced visibility; and anxiety about when the lightning might get close. Sometimes the wind is so strong in a storm that it\’s all I can do to control the bicycle. I haven\’t been caught in a hailstorm yet, as hail is rare around here; but you never know. But the desire to get out there and ride often wins. And don\’t forget, it\’s Cycle September. So let\’s get out there and make it a big success!

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One-Wheeled Wonder

I\’m not a one-wheeled wonder; and I never thought of doing a hundred miles by — skateboard? Well, it really would not surprise me if somebody has done it, or at least tried. But several years ago I began to wonder whether anyone had done a century by unicycle. Following is part of the text of the blog I posted about it at the time: \”…Sure enough, some people have. It makes me think that my century on an adult tricycle isn\’t such a big deal. The trike at least had a big basket, so I could carry stuff with me. On a unicycle I, for one, wouldn\’t be able to take along much at all. Maybe I shouldn\’t criticize, but this guy should have gotten a helmet-mounted headlight for the ride. Then he wouldn\’t have had to wear out his cell phone trying to get a little bit of light. Otherwise, I say Good for him. If few people have done centuries on adult tricycles, I\’m sure even fewer have done it on a unicycle!\” So that\’s a one-wheeled wonder; but I\’ll stick with two wheels, myself. A single wheel is too unstable for me; and I can just see a skateboard skidding out from under me!

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Getting Up There!

I sure hope I\’m as happy as this lady when I get to be that age. And I hope I\’ll still be pedaling happily away! But being a senior citizen cyclist isn\’t the same as being a twenty-something cyclist, I\’m sure. I didn\’t start riding until I was 51 so I don\’t speak from personal experience; but it\’s easy to figure out. Older cyclists have special concerns such as osteoporosis. Or arthritis. Here are some articles I\’d like to share about cycling for those of us who are no longer spring chickens: Five Things Athletes Need to Know… Cycling for Seniors Benefits of Cycling… Biking for Seniors It\’s hard for me to realize that I\’m a \”senior\”. I sure don\’t feel like it 🙂

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Should I or Not?

Should I, or not?  You know those days when you just don\’t feel like riding? Some days you\’re tired; or you didn\’t sleep well. Or you even feel like you might be coming down with something. How do you know whether to ride as usual; take it easy; or to take a day off? The part of this article headed, \”When Stop Does Not Mean Go\”, is helpful. I keep a printout of it with my weekly ride plan, where can easily refer to it. There certainly are days when I need to ease up the efforts; even when I planned to ride hard. One day about two weeks ago, I had force-development exercises on the agenda. Maybe I got into a gear that was a bit too hard; or maybe  I was actually too tired for such attempts. It was a \”should I, or not\” moment. I just didn\’t seem to have the legs; so I decided to forget about force and ride for the fun of it. And what about the training schedule? Another article I read about training says, keep your plan \”etched in clay\” so that you can mold it as needed; it shouldn\’t be \”chiseled in stone\” so that you use it to beat up on yourself. Planned to ride hard today, but it simply isn\’t going? Ease up. There\’s always tomorrow.

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Ever and Always?

I wish my rides were ever and always like today\’s! You know those days when things go better than you expect? My ride this morning was like that. It was one of those days. I felt tired and sleepy, and didn\’t really feel like going out. I had to prod myself into pulling on the cycling shorts; pumping up the tires; clapping on the helmet. And do you know what? The ride went great! Almost no wind. My warm-up mile + \”cool down\” final 0.21 miles pulled my overall average speed down to a bit over 14 mph; but \”laps\” 2 and 3 saw me average a shade over 15 mph! For several years, \”increase cruising pace to 15 mph\” has been on my list of goals. It looks like I\’m at last making some progress towards that goal. When I\’m not faced with a stiff headwind, that is. Now that I\’m a bit faster I can ride a tiny bit farther, too. What a day it would be if I got fast enough to ride twenty miles before heading off to work! But that\’s a long, long way off. I have to take it one step at a time; and there will be plenty of days when going for a ride will be a real slog — especially if it\’s raining. The important thing is to keep riding enjoyable, so that I keep doing it: ever and always.

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Step by Step

Step by step is the way to take it; whether trekking through the Outback, or racking up the cycling miles. I thought this article was amusing; but I\’m not quite sure where I\’d place myself on that scale. I\’m most certainly not a First Time Cyclist. After almost nine years of regular riding, I\’ve racked up 41,000+ miles. I don\’t think I\’m a Beginner, either, despite my average speed still hanging around 13-14 mph much of the time. So am I an Amateur cyclist? Proper cyclist? Maybe Avid? How many years of regular riding does it take to make a  Seasoned Cyclist? Do I really need to be at the point where a 75-mile ride is \”short\”? Can I hurry the process by eating a lot of curry, pepper,  cinnamon, etc.? (Ha-ha. Bad joke). One day I might be able to figure it out. Meanwhile, I\’ll just ride on; and take it one step at a time..

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Oh, coffee! I\’ll bet a lot of people out there were wondering when I would  fi-i-i-nally get around to blogging about this topic. I hear a lot about how coffee and cycling seem to go together. We hear about the casual group ride to the local café; or about having a shot of espresso before a race. It\’s all lost on me; I\’ve never been a coffee drinker. I begged a taste of the stuff when I was about six; and was off of it for life. Not that I really have anything against this beverage. I like to smell the roasting beans, and to smell coffee brewing; but the taste is too bitter for me. I get my caffeine from Diet Coke! There was a time when the Turks were trying to capture Vienna. If they had, they would have had the gateway to western Europe. The Turks themselves didn\’t conquer  Europe — but their Kaffee did!

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Oh, the wildlife I\’ve seen while out riding a bicycle! Armadillos. Raccoons. Opossums. Rabbits. Coyotes. And yes, even bald eagles! There\’s one creature, however, that I would not like to meet; and that\’s the shurale. That part about having to wear your shoes on the wrong feet made me think of Charlie Chaplin as The Little Tramp. I read an article about him years ago; and it said that the shoes that Chaplin wore for that act were so big, that he had to wear them on the wrong feet just so they\’d stay on. Getting back to the Shurale, I guess I should be glad that he\’s Russian. It doesn\’t look like I\’ll go riding in Russia any time soon. Another article I read about him says he likes to waylay drunk people. Good reason to eschew booze, I\’d say. I\’m glad that the wildlife I\’m likely to encounter on my bicycle rides is birds and small animals. Even a little critter can be hazardous if it suddenly darts right out in front of you; more than once a squirrel has come close to running right under my front wheel! Large animals such as moose and bear are different. Use great caution if you ride where encounters with them are possible. For example, hikers are advised to put jingle bells on their footwear so that animals hear them coming. Bikers need to do something similar, I suppose. The catch is that bicycles don\’t make much sound. Group riders, keep talking. Solo riders, make like Caruso? So what if you can\’t sing; at least bears, moose, etc. will hear you. You don\’t want to surprise them. I\’d need to learn a lot more about that if I wanted to go for a cycling tour through the back country.    

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What Was Different?

    What was different about today\’s long ride? After I had been home from today\’s ride (50 miles) for about two hours, the orthostatic hypotension set in. Last Sunday I didn\’t have trouble with it; and I wondered what was different about today. A glance a my ride log gave a hint, to put it mildly. Last Sunday I rode only 29 miles. The previous Sunday I had done a 50-miler; and I did have \”OH\” afterwards. There ought to be something I can do to make a difference for long rides and after, so I don\’t get that annoying dizziness when I stand up. Should I drink more during the ride? Do I need to eat more? That is, if my stomach can take it. For the last 12 miles or so of today\’s ride, my stomach felt rather uncomfortable. Was I eating too much? Maybe I can take along dill pickle juice? It\’s possible to buy shots of the stuff, but I\’m disinclined to spend my money on it for regular use. GU-Gels are enough expense! Salt tablets? At home, yes; but I don\’t know how my system might react to them during vigorous exercise. After all, salt attracts fluid; and I don\’t need to have it drawing blood from my legs; heart; and brain to my stomach while I\’m working on my endurance. On the way home I had an annoying headwind, which made me feel slow and weak. As it turned out, I was a hair faster today than I was Sunday before last. So there\’s the silver lining in the cloud!

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Fall Event!

There\’s a Fall event coming up! I wish Fall were as beautiful as this where I live! But that won\’t stop Cycle September, which begins next Saturday, September 1, 2018. I\’m signed up and ready to start; and have been spreading the word among bicycle commuters at work. Our team has always done well; and we want to keep it up! September is usually still quite hot where I live; and I think I\’d really rather have Cycle October. Even in September, mornings are often about 80 degrees at five o\’clock; and it isn\’t likely to cool off before October. When it does, it\’s likely to drop forty degrees overnight! But some parts of the nation do start to get cooler weather by September; and in those parts it might actually be a bit nippy for Cycle October! So my Fall event will have to be Cycle September.

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