

It’s Mardi Gras!

It's Mardi Gras!

It’s Mardi Gras! Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, is a big deal locally. I’m glad of the day off from work; but am only too happy to keep my distance from the parade routes.

To begin with, today is not good weather to be standing around outdoors. Yes, it’s sunny, but it’s also COLD! As of one hour ago, the chill factor is well below freezing. Doubtless there are die-hard parade-goers who don’t care; but I’m not among them. If they want to freeze off their noses (and more), that’s their affair.

Parade routes packed with people also means smokers. Tobacco smoke makes me feel sick. Crowds of people also means “scented stuff”, which I also find sickening. I’d rather avoid it.

Go for a bike ride instead? It’s so cold that I think I’ll work out in the trainer later. The wind isn’t quite as strong as it was yesterday morning, but the temperature is lower. I just don’t feel like going out in it (see When Stop Does Not Mean Go).

It’s Mardi Gras? It feels like just another day to me.