

Yule Ride


Today I did a Yule Ride! What else on Christmas Day?

I didn\’t have a new bicycle; and I don\’t need a new one. If I were a kid, though, I bet I would have been thrilled to find a brand new bike beside the Christmas Tree!

The weather still does not feel at all like December; and it didn\’t yesterday, either. This warmth will continue well into next week. It\’s absolutely crazy!

I made today\’s ride short, and pretty easy. After all, I rode 40+ miles yesterday. After I got home, I put on an egg to boil; and while it was cooking I opened my Christmas presents.

Nothing fancy: a calendar, a book, and so on. And some maple candy! That reminds me, I need to use up the maple syrup that\’s sitting in the fridge.

It sounds like the wind is getting stronger, so I\’m glad I did my Yule Ride earlier in the day. Now I can be lazy for a while!

Merry Christmas!