
You Call THAT Riding?

\"youYou call that riding? Pedaling in a trainer isn\’t \”riding\”; but there\’s still a chance of T-storms for the next hour or two; and I didn\’t want to go out and get caught in the rain. I just lubed the road bike\’s chain day before yesterday; and I don\’t want to have to do it again so soon.

I didn\’t want to miss riding entirely; and not knowing what the weather might do, I hooked the hybrid into the trainer and pedaled for a half hour. It was better than nothing; but I took it very easy and hardy broke a sweat. You call that riding? I don\’t!

I\’m glad I don\’t need to resort to using the trainer very often. It is B-O-R-I-N-G as you-know-where, and makes thirty minutes seem endless.

\”Riding\” indoors might be more interesting if I had one of these Computrainer Lab  set-ups; but who has $1800 just lying around for the spending? In addition, if the screen for that system is as big as it appears to be in the pic, I don\’t have room for it.

And is it, essentially, a wide-screen TV that would require my paying for cable? I can do without that, thank you very much.

Once again, it\’s back to the old make-do-with-what-you-have, even if it\’s not exactly fun. The sun will come out again, and then I can go for a real ride!