
Worth a Thousand Words

salvage store thousand words trailer
My loot from the salvage store!

A picture is worth a thousand words, they say.

The above image depicts the outcome of today’s trip to the salvage store. I’m glad I took the trailer, because this was one of those times when I see a lot of things that I use often. My “Get It While I Can” instinct could run wild.

I stocked up on canned goods: tuna, chicken, refried black beans, and so on. I had hoped to find hummus, which is the main reason I used the trailer. Taking home hummus means hauling along the cooler, and that thing is a space hog.

I found the hummus, and got two boxes of it. For the salvage store it was pricy, but hey! It’s hummus! I hope Eta doesn’t decide to pay us a visit, and knock out the power like Zeta did. That outage forced me to discard the hummus supply I had.

Today the grab bag bins were well stocked with beef jerky-type snacks. I got the “chew” candy bar to try, and cut it into 8 pieces. I’m carb-watching, after all!

Getting that load home wasn’t easy. I had a headwind, and one of the hybrid’s fenders is dragging against the tire; I heard it all the way. It probably made the going harder than it would have been otherwise, and that full trailer seems to increase the fender drag!

Unfortunately I don’t have a pic of the fender problem. If I did, I could post it because, you know, a picture is worth a thousand words.