

Working Hard

Working Hard

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“Working hard? I thought you were retired!” people might say.

Well, I’m out of the paid workforce; but that doesn’t mean I’m through with work. I’ve said for the last few years that my website would be my job after I retired; and it sure is! It seems like the more I do, the more I think of further things to do.

Today’s project was editing my Bicycles page. A site visitor who wants, say, a MTB, might not want to browse through a page showing 50-something bicycles to find a MTB. With the page’s new format, they can click on MTBs; and view the MTB page. Same for Touring Bikes; and so on.

Luckily I had made almost all of the necessary pages earlier; so the project went more quickly. But I was still working hard! In fact, I’m hardly finished that project; and now I’m thinking of doing a similar job on the Boutique page!

Today I skipped riding. I’m doing that too often of late; and I need to ride all I can before my foot surgery next month. Recovery might take several months; and I’ll miss being able to ride. I’m looking for non-weight bearing exercises that I can do while I wait for my foot to heal.

Oops, I just now thought of yet another bike category for the Bicycles page. Retired? I’m still working hard!