

Winter Came Back


Winter came back!

Yesterday the temperature reached the mid-70s by noon; and by 5 am today it had fallen some 30 degrees. The chill factor made it seem even colder! In fact, said chill factor wasn\’t much above freezing; and it made me glad that Monday is off-bikes day.

Tomorrow morning it will be 39 degrees; but at least the wind won\’t be as strong. I\’ll have to bundle up; and I\’m glad I have warm packs to tuck into my gloves.

Bundling up drives me crazy because seems to take so long: two layers on my legs, and double socks; three or four layers for my top; the heavy skull cap; heavy gloves; and the aforementioned warm packs for my hands.

These days I even include a mask in my riding costume, although I usually have it pulled down below my mouth unless someone else is approaching. A mask makes me get thirsty faster!

These bursts of colder weather are likely to have people staying indoors more; and that\’s not good news. The university campus where I work has seen a rise in cases of COVID-19 among students; and classes began only two weeks ago.

Now I\’m more concerned about the possibility of getting the virus. The newer strains of the virus are more contagious; and I\’m worried about becoming a \”long hauler\”. I hope we go back to full-time remote work, at least until we can get the vaccine.

But for now I have to clean up the kitchen; and make a lunch to take along tomorrow; and try to keep warm: Winter came back!