

Winding Down

Winding Down

I’m finally winding down after the move. Most of my stuff is now put away; and I’ve begun doing some cooking!

My sister-in-lawn generously had a box of fresh veggies and a box of fresh fruit delivered to me. It’s a LOT of food! Yesterday I sliced the fresh mushrooms; cooked  them in tomato sauce; and froze them. Today I made borscht from the beets. Incidentally, making borscht is a very messy business. All that red juice makes my kitchen look like a butcher shop!

I still have corn on the cob; kale; a mango; and more! There’s more cooking ahead; and I’m considering buying a small chest freezer. The fridge/freezer here is smaller than the one in my old place; and it doesn’t have room for all the projects I have in mind.

Cooking isn’t the only thing I have to work on. The floors here needed cleaning. Today I just damp-mopped; and followed up with a Swiffer. The living room has a wood floor; and I don’t want to leave moisture sitting on it for long.

Part of the living room floor is still not cleaned because it’s covered in empty boxes. I hope to be rid of them soon. The people living upstairs are moving out next week; and they need boxes. I just moved in; and have more boxes than I know what to do with. So I’m giving them boxes!

That’s part of my winding down. I need to get things squared away, because my brother will be here next week for some kind of convention; and will “crash” here nights. Maybe I can feed him some of this stuff I’ve been cooking!