
What’s Afoot Now

What's Afoot Now?

What’s afoot now? Seems like something’s always going wrong!

Today I saw a podiatrist. Maybe I waited too long for it! For some years, my left big toe’s base joint has become more and more rigid; and now it has almost no flex. I finally asked my primary care physician about it last week; and he gave me a referral to a podiatrist.

Well, my right big toe has a bunion; and the left one has arthritis plus a bone spur. I could have surgery for it; but I’m not in a hurry for more surgery. The CMC arthroplasty six months ago was enough for this year. It would mean several weeks off the bike; and what a drag that would be! Could I be recovered and riding again with enough time to train up for potential participation in RAGBRAI 2024?

I think I’ll try some athletic shoes first; and after that, orthotics. If it is going to come to surgery, I hope it can wait until the weather is cooler again. I suppose that hopping around on crutches is very hot work; but then again, I might not need crutches. I think the doctor said I’d be in a boot.

Walking is more likely to bother my foot than cycling, which is all to the good; but walking over a mile can cause a flare-up. My smaller toes feel like there’s something sharp under them.

The weather is driving me crazy. Despite the forecasts, my neighborhood hasn’t had much rain. So what’s afoot now? And, is it better to have all these heat advisories